Charity Wakefield
Nacimiento : 1980-09-09, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England, UK
Charity Wakefield was born in September 1980 in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England as Charity Rose Wakefield. She is an actress and producer, known for The Raven (2012),Mockingbird Lane (2012) and ¡Hasta La Vista, Sister! (2012).
William Shakespeare/Drunk Man 2/Valentine Simmes/River Woman
Emilia took our wooden ‘O’ by storm in late 2018, celebrating women’s voices the world over through the story of a trailblazing, forgotten woman, Emilia Bassano. 400 years ago, Emilia wanted her voice to be heard. In 1611 she penned the words to her ‘Vertuous Reader’ as part of a volume of radical, feminist and subversive poetry. Yet the little we know now of Emilia is restricted to the possibility that she may have been the ‘Dark Lady’ of Shakespeare’s Sonnets – and the rest of her story has been erased by history. Morgan Lloyd Malcolm’s acclaimed play revealed the life of Emilia: writer, wife, lover, mother, muse.
When a global pandemic threatens to jeopardise an impending deal, and their manager goes off sick, work colleagues Kayla and Mark are tasked with completing the Lennox Report. Spending time together online, their friendship deepens and Kayla begins to question some of the other relationships in her life.
Louise Farnt está obsesionada con el mundo de la autoayuda. Y cuando conoce al aspirante a gurú no necesariamente cuerdo Val Stone, comienza una ola de asesinatos.
An ex-cop living in rural Florida is drawn into an investigation involving a sunken treasure.
Una adaptación cinematográfica moderna de "El sueño de una noche de verano" de William Shakespeare. La nueva versión tiene lugar en el Hollywood actual, donde la fantasía y la realidad chocan. Está ambientado en un mundo donde estrellas glamorosas, comandantes de magnates, artistas hambrientos y simuladores de bóvedas compiten para salir adelante.
Mia Kreiss
Autodestrucción es una versión de un mundo futuro, como si fuera un videojuego, y que a través de una serie de experimentos consiguen energía ilimitada de los universos paralelos. Todo parecer ir bien cuando algo del experimento sale mal. Para salvar a su familia del tremendo desastre provocado, el piloto Will Porter deberá conseguir que la caja Redivider llegue a una torre y así salvar a la humanidad.
When brain-swapping aliens attack New York, the Doctor and Nardole link up with an investigative reporter and a mysterious masked superhero known only as the Ghost. Can the Doctor save Manhattan? And what will be revealed when we see behind the mask?
Años 20. George y Serena son un apasionado matrimonio de recién casados que se trasladan de Boston a las montañas del norte de Carolina para montar un negocio maderero. George ya está acostumbrado a vivir en el campo, pero para Serena se trata de un hábitat completamente nuevo. A pesar de ello, pronto demuestra que está a la altura de las circunstancias. Pero la vida de la pareja comienza a resquebrajarse cuando Serena se entera de que nunca podrá tener hijos.
A mediados del siglo XXI, el descubrimiento de una planta extraña altera aún más el desorden de una colonia lunar dominada por intereses corporativos.
Two young, strong-willed Scottish sisters, one a left-wing activist, the other a most-popular-girl-in-school type, take their late father's ashes to Cuba, the site of many family legends of his services to the Revolution. Arriving in Havana, the two women promptly lose the ashes and go through a series of misadventrues - both romantic and dangerous - to try to retrieve them. A colourful and wryly humourous tale of cross-cultural misunderstandings and lost illusions.
When Luke wakes up and finds a mutilated corpse in his bathroom, his life changes for ever. Stalked by a terrifying psychopathic serial killer, he has to place his trust in the hands of a smart but volatile female cop, Sam Cross. The secret they uncover shatters Luke s life and brings Sam face to face with demons from her tragic childhood..
Marilyn Munster
Settling into their new home—the rambling Victorian mansion at 1313 Mockingbird Lane— the Munster are quickly onto the mission at hand: to gently ease sweet little Eddie into the reality of his werewolf adolescence. The loving, supportive, run-of-the-mill family includes his mom Lily, the daughter of Dracula, his dad Herman, who brings new meaning to "Frankenstein," and Grandpa! Of course, there's creepy cousin Marilyn, who's really the odd one because she's so completely normal.
Fields' Maid
Trata de los últimos días de la vida de Edgar Allan Poe. El escritor colabora en la búsqueda de un asesino cuyos crímenes se inspiran en sus obras. La muerte de Poe siempre ha estado envuelta en el misterio: fue encontrado en las calles de Baltimore, en un estado deplorable, vistiendo la ropa de otra persona, y repetía el nombre de Reynols, un explorador polar protagonista de sus novelas. Poco después, murió en el hospital sin llegar a explicar lo que le había sucedido. Sus últimas palabras fueron, ¡Que Dios ayude a mi pobre alma!
Madame Ranevskaya is a spoiled, aging aristocratic lady who returns from a trip to Paris to face the loss of her magnificent Cherry Orchard estate after a default on the mortgage. In denial, she continues living in the past, deluding herself and her family, while the beautiful cherry trees are being axed down by the re-possessor Lopakhin, her former serf, who has his own agenda.
Land Fothergill
Miniserie de TV. 4 episodios. Adaptación de la novela de William Boyd, "Any Human Heart". Narra la vida del novelista Logan Mountstuart, que transcurre en el Paris de los años veinte, en el Nueva York de los años cincuenta y en el Lodres de los ochenta. Durante su camino, se topará con personalidades como Ernest Hemingway, Ian Fleming o los Duques de Windsor...
A fairytale thriller film set one night in a 1930's London theatre where all is not what it seems.
Girl meets boy in quirky office romance. Two like minded souls, too shy to approach each other, find a new way to show their love for each other.
Antonio Vivaldi was a great musician, a good shepherd and a handsome man. His divine music awakened good feelings in people, and the modest inaccessibility of the altar servant broke the hearts of the court ladies. The vow of celibacy prescribed Vivaldi's father to resist temptations, instead he fell in love .
Laura O'Connor
When a heart surgeon chooses to save one female patient's life over another, her boyfriend looks for revenge.
In India, the powerful and wealthy Percy invites the Miss India Ravina to be the star of a new inter-active virtual reality game of life that his company is developing, and she accepts his proposal. In London, the illegal Indian immigrant Murli programmer is responsible for the development of the game. The shy Murli is dating Billy, a single Londoner mother with a young daughter. When Percy's assistants Theo and Aurora download and steals the game, Murli is incriminated. Murli tries to contact Percy to prove his innocence, while Theo takes him to the edge.