Alec Medieff


Want to Stay Alive
Four murders in forty-eight hours happen in Nice. The murderer calls himself "The Exterminator" and the police are unable to catch him. Tom Lepski is an insurance detective and he get involved in the investigation when Liza Mendoza, a famous violinist and a friend, is killed just a few minutes before Tom visit her. After another rich woman killing, Tom finds out that all the victims were members of the exclusive Fifty Club. All of them but Lisa.
Have a Nice Night
The star Barbara Jenkins, after two years of absence, makes her return by honoring the presence of the auction of her costumes in Cannes, for the benefit of the fight against AIDS.
Con perdón de Usted
Un astuto ladrón ha robado una valiosa pieza de una colección de arte ruso que se exponía en una ciudad de la Costa Azul. Tras el robo, un ex agente de la policía, ahora reconvertido en un agente de seguros, tendrá que apañárselas como pueda para recuperarla y así cobrar la póliza de veinte millones de dólares en los que está valorada.