Nadia Mourouzi

Nadia Mourouzi


Nadia Mourouzi


A man writes a play, hoping that it will help him understand the dramatic events his son lived in Greece.
La mirada de Ulises
Un cineasta griego, exiliado en los Estados Unidos, regresa a su ciudad natal para emprender un apasionante viaje. De Albania a Macedonia, de Bucarest a Constanza (Rumanía), a través del Danubio hasta Belgrado y por fin a Sarajevo. En su camino se cruza con su propia historia, con el pasado de los Balcanes, con las mujeres que podría amar. Espera recobrar con estas imágenes olvidadas la inocencia de la primera mirada.
Γυναίκες Δηλητήριο
It is a story of a normal, everyday Greek family that each member turns out to be wacko or gets wacko by the other members. The father is the stoic figure that accepts everything. The mother has a middle age crisis and takes advantage of her husbands inability. The older brother is a doctor of psychology and has everything under control (or believe so) and the younger brother does nothing with his life acclaiming that he is a filmmaker.
Dream Children
Young Giannis escapes from prison and hides in a deserted factory, with the dream of traveling far away. At the factory, a group of university students rehearse Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream, and a girl from the group discovers him. The students accept him into their group, offering him a part in the play as well. One night, three young men try to destroy the props for the theatrical performance, and Giannis tries to stop them, ending up back in prison. The students manage to get him out of jail, and he embarks on a ship and leaves far away.
El paso suspendido de la cigüeña
Alexandre's Friend
Aléxandros (Gregory Karr) es un periodista que viaja a la "Sala de espera", un lugar del norte de Grecia en la frontera con Albania, que se llama así porque allí se concentran refugiados kurdos, turcos, albaneses, polacos, rumanos o iraníes que esperan un permiso que les permita abandonar ese lugar. El periodista llega con un equipo de televisión para filmar la vida de estas gentes; en un momento dado, cree reconocer a alguien: un político griego (Marcello Mastroianni) que, diez años antes, desapareció misteriosamente.
The Athenians
This is a series of intersecting stories. A petty crook and former lover of a lazy ingénue steals the box-office receipts from the Odeon of Herodus Atticus, on the day an important football game is also taking place. There is also the story of the half-mad mother of the ingénue who refuses to put shoes on because she believes that shoes lead people astray. An eccentric grave-digger produces a two-seater coffin for couple-victims of car accidents. The film also tells the story of one of the Odeon's cleaning women and of a watermelon that goes all around the city, pursued by a tired theater technician and his sister, who is a tour guide. The impresario conducts an inquiry after the theft, but the thief and his two associates, the ingénue and the technician, use what was stolen to set up a small theatre. Small everyday stories and comic incidents combine to create a portrait of modern-day Athens.
A quiet young English girl named Alice finds herself in an alternate version of her own reality after chasing a white rabbit. She becomes surrounded by living inanimate objects and stuffed dead animals, and must find a way out of this nightmare- no matter how twisted or odd that way must be.
Paisaje en la niebla
Dos niños griegos que buscan a su padre emprenden un viaje hacia Alemania, durante el cual encontrarán el bien y el mal, la verdad y la mentira, el amor y la muerte, el silencio y el verbo.
El apicultor
Narra el viaje de un maduro apicultor desde el norte hasta el sur, siguendo el rastro de las flores, y su relación con una muchacha. Un film silencioso sobre la historia, el amor y Dios.