Jill Sands


AI and I
Creative Consultant
A woman questions the nature of what it is to be alive and human, conscious or man-made. While pondering her complex co-dependence on technology, she explores the earth and its pathways, all the while dragging electrical cords behind her.
Not a Jealous Bone
Young Woman
Invoking a biblical story of life coming from dry bones, Condit constructs an experimental narrative about an older woman’s confrontation with her own mortality after the death of her mother. The bone represents the promise of youth and hope—a promise jealously coveted by the young, but needed more by those grown old. Inverting cultural values, Condit represents feminine youth as a mannequin, and seeks humanity in the form of the older woman, who is reborn by overcoming her fear of death.
Possibly in Michigan
A musical horror story about two young women who are stalked through a shopping mall by a cannibal. He follows them home, and here the victims become the aggressors.
Beneath the Skin
"Relacionando un cuento contado por una niña en un columpio, Beneath the Skin explora el contraste entre el horror impersonal de una noticia que se escucha en la televisión y la participación del narrador en una pesadilla, que gradualmente se vuelve más familiar y común a medida que se desarrolla la historia. "El enfoque directo del cajero es contrastado con humor o de manera aterradora por un bombardeo de imágenes visuales que simulan o intensifican el sabor macabro de la obra".