Manuel João Vieira

Manuel João Vieira

Nacimiento : 1962-10-17, Lisbon, Portugal


Manuel João Vieira


Roast Bruno de Carvalho - Lisboa
Soñando con grandes aventuras y con defender a su patria, un joven portugués se une al ejército durante la Primera Guerra Mundial y es enviado a África. Descolgado de su pelotón, inicia un solitario viaje a través de las místicas comunidades Macua en Mozambique.
Arquivos Kino-Pop
Cine-diaries about rock bands and personalities from the eighties from the archives of Edgar Pêra.
Caminhos Magnétykos
During a night of humiliation, Raymond lives an inner revolt and a kaleidoscopic journey in a country that is about to collapse.
Cabaret Maxime
A cabaret owner tries to keep his club from being taken over by the powers that be.
Cabaret Maxime
Music Consultant
A cabaret owner tries to keep his club from being taken over by the powers that be.
The Portuguese Falcon
Prisioneiro Revoltado
A satire on anti-communist paranoia in the days of fascist dictatorship in Portugal. The series follows the adventures of the "Lusitanian superhero", the ultra-patriotic Captain Falcão, a man who follows the direct orders of António de Oliveira Salazar in the fight against the "red menace".
Eclipse em Portugal
Fotografia do Presidente
Tó-Quim is a seemingly ordinary teenager, until the day he joins a band of black metal, the hand of a friend and Anita knows the drummer for who ends up falling in love.
Casa Manuel Vieira
Manuel João Vieira shows us his home - or homes - and the characters who live there. The starting point is the characters' definition and the Casa Manuel Vieira exhibition. The Italian neighbour and the accidental tourist help us create scenarios on the man and the artist. In short, it is Manuel João Vieira and his rather particular working universe.
Filme del desasosiego
Bêbado Corpulento
Adaptación de "El libro del desasosiego" de Fernando Pessoa. El hilo narrativo se centra en tres días y tres noches y cuenta con un elenco de casi 40 actores en breves apariciones, que dan cuerpo a los pensamientos del protagonista mientras divaga por Lisboa.
6=0 Homeostética
Documentary about the not-likely-legendary Portuguese art group from the 1980's.
Um Mundo Catita
Manuel João Vieira
The burlesque and nonsensical biography of a singer, bohemian and broke, who falls in love with his sexy dentist who is already the fiancée of a well-off executive. The adventures and misadventures of the singer in this wonderful new world are told with tongue-in-cheek and several adult situations.
Rio Turvo
A bizarre and tragic ballad of an impossible love between a nameless topographer and Leonor in a swamp soon to be destroyed by the forces of Man. She (Teresa Salgueiro, ethereal voice of Madredeus) is the “swamp-flower”, protégée of a Socratic Director (and his goat Plato). In a world without women, she is kept safe from the temptations of the flesh by her strict and grotesque Aunt. The sound-track entirely played by the workers (fado and bossa nova singers) reveals parallel narratives of suspicion and conspiracy that unfold to the pace of the unconscious leading to a confrontation between Man and River. Inspired by a hypnotic story by Branquinho da Fonseca (1905-1974).
Eddie's Father
Free adaptation of Sophocles classic tragedy “King Oedipus” crossed with Jack Kerouac's classic “On the Road”. The starting point is the loss of identity of a generation of Portuguese emigrants. Tebas tells the story of a young man who, looking for his origins, departs from Paris to Portugal with a beatnik truck driver. The film is a voyage into the strange depths of Portugal in the form of surreal road-movie.
O Candidato Vieira
O Candidato
Satirical rock star runs for president of Portugal.
O Candidato Vieira
Satirical rock star runs for president of Portugal.
A Dama da Lapa
I'll See You in My Dreams
Sam, the Tavern Costumer
The film is set in a small rural town that is haunted by the undead. Only one man seems to be able to stop them, and that is Lúcio, a worker whose wife recently turned into a zombie, forcing him to keep her locked in the basement. In a local tavern he finds a second shot at true love, but this blooming romance is threatened by the situation plaguing the town.
A Man is not a Cat
A woman gets into a fight with her boyfriend, concerning her lack of humanism. Leaving him abruptly at the Santa Apolónia Station, she strikes a conversation with an interesting homeless man whom she decides to take home to just to show her boyfriend that she cares.
A Janela (Maryalva Mix)
An experimental and surreal film, a mix of weird and unusual "avant-gard" cinematography with some traditional icons of the Portuguese culture, like Fado or the typical neighbourhoods of Lisbon, in this case the "Bica" is a typical neighbourhood which is used as setting to the plot.
A Janela (Maryalva Mix)
Antónyo Santynho
An experimental and surreal film, a mix of weird and unusual "avant-gard" cinematography with some traditional icons of the Portuguese culture, like Fado or the typical neighbourhoods of Lisbon, in this case the "Bica" is a typical neighbourhood which is used as setting to the plot.
Capitanes de Abril
En Portugal, la noche del 24 al 25 de abril de 1974, la radio difunde una canción prohibida: Grândola Vila Morena. Podría tratarse de la insumisión de un periodista rebelde, pero es de hecho la señal programada de un golpe de Estado militar que cambiará la cara de este pequeño país afligido por décadas de arcaísmo y el destino de territorios inmensos en África. Al sonido de la voz del poeta José Alfonso, las tropas insurrectas toman los cuarteles. A las tres de la mañana, marchan sobre Lisboa. Es la Revolución de los Claveles.
Facas e Anjos
In 1983, little João Amaral Severo asks his father to go to the circus. His father, and army captain who had been recently widowed, refuses to take him under the pretext that the circus would draw his attention away from his studies. Ten years later João is a student in the Military College, and is tired of the harsh discipline imposed by his father and decides to join a travelling circus that stops in his hometown, Alcochete. From then on João, alone and free to live his life the way he wants, finds a world of magic, the love of Dolores (a young trapeze artist) and the family he never really had. Until a twist of fate turns João into a father...
Far Away from Here
Catalyst in the story of crossed paths is a 1957 Ford Fairlane being driven through Portugal’s Alentejo region to a new owner. Film’s overly protracted opening has car’s drivers (Filipe Cochofel, Antonio Pedro Figueiredo) joy riding the night away until the roadster breaks down. Momentum picks up at sunrise with their attempts to fix the car. A retired mechanic-turned-beekeeper with a heart condition (Canto e Castro) does the trick and convinces Figueiredo to take him cross-country on a motorbike to look up an old friend. Cochofel and the mechanic’s alarmed niece (Maysa Marta) follow in pursuit. The old man dies peacefully on the road, but Figueiredo, having wholeheartedly grasped his deliverance mission, keeps going.
A Força do Atrito
Portugal 1997. A nuclear accident left the the country without energy and divided between zones, some of them interdicted because of the contamination. The economic crisis is dramatic and unemployment is almost total.
Lovely Child
gangster (mânfio)
Maria is a sweet child. She hasn’t father and doesn’t like her mother. She has a boyfriend, A bandit who would like to change his class.
Dos hermanos, Nino y Vincente, han aprendido a desenvolverse muy bien juntos durante las inexplicadas ausencias de su padre. El día que aparentemente desaparece para siempre, no tienen ningún problema en seguir como antes. Sin embargo, un día unos criminales que habían tenido negocios con el padre, intentan sacarles información a la fuerza...