Manuel Lobão


Capitanes de Abril
En Portugal, la noche del 24 al 25 de abril de 1974, la radio difunde una canción prohibida: Grândola Vila Morena. Podría tratarse de la insumisión de un periodista rebelde, pero es de hecho la señal programada de un golpe de Estado militar que cambiará la cara de este pequeño país afligido por décadas de arcaísmo y el destino de territorios inmensos en África. Al sonido de la voz del poeta José Alfonso, las tropas insurrectas toman los cuarteles. A las tres de la mañana, marchan sobre Lisboa. Es la Revolución de los Claveles.
Poor George
One night Jorge will meet with a Japanese industrialist, who will allow him to abandon his teaching position and resume his chemical work. However, when he gets home he finds a person there.
Where the Sun Beats
Laura lives in the country with her considerably older husband. When Nuno, her brother who study in Lisbon, pays a visit, he realizes that his sister does not have a happy life. He initiates a friendship with a worker on the farm. The circumstances turn Laura and Nuno against each other... Portrays the repressed sexuality and homosexual desire in a rural setting and elliptically and delicately the small farming community that serves as the backdrop for the impossible relationships pursued by Laura and her brother.
Tall Stories
12-year-old Miguel is punished because he has not done his homework properly: he must stay at his aunt's inn for holidays. First bored, then a friendship begins between him and other inn's regular holiday-makers, like maid Luisa or fisherman João. But doctor Fernando's arrival is going to overwhelm the place's peaceful life and to change Miguel's mind.