The Deliberate Stranger es un telefilm de dos partes, estrenado en Estados Unidos por la cadena NBC el 4 mayo de 1986. La película esta basada en el libro de Richard W. Larsen, sobre el asesino en serie Ted Bundy ( Theodore Robert Cowell Bundy ), de quien se estima que el número de sus víctimas podría rondar las cien mujeres. Sin embargo los números oficiales solo lo acusan de alrededor de treinta y seis.
Three women are going on a trip that leaves incommunicado with the rest of the world and before they leave; a woman who either has a history or relationship with each of their husbands leaves them a letter that says that she is leaving with one of their husbands. As they wait to return so they could find out who it is, they each remember an important moment in their lives that involves them and their husbands...and the woman.