Patrick Puccinelli


¿Qué debería hacer una pareja de fantasmas si su estrafalario hogar de Nueva Inglaterra se llenara de elegantes visitantes neoyorquinos? Pedir ayuda a un exorcista para aterrorizar a los intrusos con el fin de que abandonen la casa. Bitelchús es una criatura de ultratumba repugnante y terrorífica, un fenómeno asustando y bromeando que se gira y se transforma en grotescas formas, traga insectos y no puede dejar a las mujeres (vivas o muertas) en paz.
The Gift of Life
A young woman is faced with local disapproval and strain on her marriage when she agrees to serve as a surrogate mother.
The Ordeal of Bill Carney
Bill Carney has just been paralyzed from the neck down. He has been taking care of his two sons since his wife left him. Now, when word of his condition reaches her, she wants to take them away, as she feels that he is unable to care for them. And it appears that the courts agree too. So, his lawyer, also a paraplegic, begins the campaign to take his case before the Supreme Court. Will he win?