Flora Nolan


Flora Nolan is the daughter of British filmmaker Christopher Nolan and British producer Emma Thomas.


Love Bomb Baby
Captain H. H.
After catching her cheating girlfriend, a fiery, drunk woman beats up an entire Halloween college party––all while prioritizing which drink is in her hand.
Burn Victim
Película sobre el físico J. Robert Oppenheimer y su papel como desarrollador de la bomba atómica. Basada en el libro 'American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer' de Kai Bird y Martin J. Sherwin.
Girl on Truck
Narra las aventuras de un grupo de exploradores que hacen uso de un agujero de gusano recientemente descubierto para superar las limitaciones de los viajes espaciales tripulados y vencer las inmensas distancias que tiene un viaje interestelar.
This project reflects a state of mind that, although ephemeral, always comes back. A feeling of uncertainty and doubt; something in our core that we cant't identify but remains there; a will to do something that always goes beyond what we are doing, as if everything else was insufficient.
This project reflects a state of mind that, although ephemeral, always comes back. A feeling of uncertainty and doubt; something in our core that we cant't identify but remains there; a will to do something that always goes beyond what we are doing, as if everything else was insufficient.