After catching her cheating girlfriend, a fiery, drunk woman beats up an entire Halloween college party––all while prioritizing which drink is in her hand.
Película sobre el físico J. Robert Oppenheimer y su papel como desarrollador de la bomba atómica. Basada en el libro 'American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer' de Kai Bird y Martin J. Sherwin.
Narra las aventuras de un grupo de exploradores que hacen uso de un agujero de gusano recientemente descubierto para superar las limitaciones de los viajes espaciales tripulados y vencer las inmensas distancias que tiene un viaje interestelar.
This project reflects a state of mind that, although ephemeral, always comes back. A feeling of uncertainty and doubt; something in our core that we cant't identify but remains there; a will to do something that always goes beyond what we are doing, as if everything else was insufficient.
This project reflects a state of mind that, although ephemeral, always comes back. A feeling of uncertainty and doubt; something in our core that we cant't identify but remains there; a will to do something that always goes beyond what we are doing, as if everything else was insufficient.