Thanassis Valtinos


The Flight of the Swan
Alexis is an explosive personality, passionate about life, humanity, nature, love and beauty. That is until the breakneck rhythm, intensity, stress and convolutions of career and economic success shatter him, alienating him from everyone and everything he loves: even his children and his soul mate Maria. Alexis is jolted back to reality when the unbridled greed of the multinational conglomerate his company is involved in causes an unprecedented ecological catastrophe costing many human lives. The multinational's Golden Boy suddenly realizes that he is nothing more than a cog in the machine he had fought so passionately against in his youth. He is determined to rediscover himself, to reclaim his soul, to rebuild the dream with Maria - but he is completely trapped. He is caught in a web of intrigue that tightens like a vice driving him to an inevitably lethal conflict with the conglomerate.
El paso suspendido de la cigüeña
Aléxandros (Gregory Karr) es un periodista que viaja a la "Sala de espera", un lugar del norte de Grecia en la frontera con Albania, que se llama así porque allí se concentran refugiados kurdos, turcos, albaneses, polacos, rumanos o iraníes que esperan un permiso que les permita abandonar ese lugar. El periodista llega con un equipo de televisión para filmar la vida de estas gentes; en un momento dado, cree reconocer a alguien: un político griego (Marcello Mastroianni) que, diez años antes, desapareció misteriosamente.
Paisaje en la niebla
Dos niños griegos que buscan a su padre emprenden un viaje hacia Alemania, durante el cual encontrarán el bien y el mal, la verdad y la mentira, el amor y la muerte, el silencio y el verbo.
Γενέθλια Πόλη
The Night with Silena
Script Consultant
With the youthful remembrance of the mysterious beauty he used to secretly admire from afar still etched in his mind, a young man will unexpectedly spot a dead ringer of her and attempt to appease his long-suppressed feelings.
El viaje a Cítera
Un viejo comunista regresa a Grecia, tras pasar 32 años en la Unión Soviética. Drama que obtuvo excelentes críticas.
The Descent of the Nine
Summer 1949: end of the civil war in Greece. The last band of guerrillas of the Democratic Army is forced to abandon Mount Taygetus and to head for the sea. Everything behind them has collapsed and they can count on help from no one. In this long, desperate and aimless march, the group will end up by being annihilated by the National Army and the armed villagers.
The Descent of the Nine
Summer 1949: end of the civil war in Greece. The last band of guerrillas of the Democratic Army is forced to abandon Mount Taygetus and to head for the sea. Everything behind them has collapsed and they can count on help from no one. In this long, desperate and aimless march, the group will end up by being annihilated by the National Army and the armed villagers.
Το Τραγούδι Της Επιστροφής
John the Violent
At midnight, on a deserted Athenian street, a beautiful woman named Eleni Chalkia is fatally stabbed by a stranger, who immediately disappears into the shadows. The murderer is Ioannis Zachos (Manos Logiadis), a young man lacking in both mental and sexual stability, who lives out his erotic fantasies through purifying violence. He often fantasizes about killing beautiful women, in this way compensating for his deficient manhood and satisfying his passion for power. When he is arrested, he immediately confesses his crimes, which is a relief to the police, who have been accused of gross ineptitude by the press. During the trial that follows, the relentless question, “who is ultimately guilty? Man or society?” is again raised.
Days of '36
The assassin of a prominent trade unionist takes a conservative MP hostage, throwing in the government into disarray.
En un pueblo del norte de Grecia una mujer mata a su marido con la complicidad de su amante. Un pariente de la víctima sospecha de ellos y lo comunica a la policía. Tras ser arrestados, los asesinos confiesan su crimen. El juez ordena la reconstrucción de los hechos.
Ενώ Σφύριζε Το Τραίνο
In a secluded location a body has been found, is Martha.