Justin Jones


Sorority Party Massacre
In danger of losing his badge, a big city detective agrees to aid a small town sheriff in a routine missing persons investigation only to discover that at least one girl has gone missing in this sleepy fishing town each year for the last twenty years. When a body finally emerges on the lake and suspects literally crawl out of the hills, the two lawmen realize they’re being toyed with and to make things worse, the killer seems to have set his eyes on a group of sorority girls who are not only isolated by the lake, but have their own nefarious plans in mind. Outnumbered and out of options, the two lawmen must solve the mystery of the missing girls or suffer the same fate.
Crossing the Ice - A journey to hell and back
James Castrission and Justin Jones, dare to not only tackle the perilous journey across Antarctica to the South Pole and return, but to do it completely unassisted – no sled dogs, no wind kites, just two men dragging their food, their shelter and themselves across 1140 kilometres of barren ice. And back again. As they battle frostbite, hypothermia, crevasses and starvation over three months of torture in the harshest place on Earth, Cas and Jonesy discover their limits, the nature of sportsmanship and the boundaries of the human spirit.
Crossing the Ditch
On November 13 2007 James, Justin and Lot 41 departed Forster, Australia. 62 days later they arrived in New Plymouth New Zealand. They had kayaked 3318km, braved 10 metre swells, faced howling winds of over 50 knots, endured severe food and sleep deprivation, wasting muscles and adverse winds and currents to become the first kayak expedition across the tasman sea as well as become the longest trans oceanic kayaking expedition undertaken by two expeditioners. Find out how they did this incredible feat!!
2012 Doomsday
Assistant Director
El 21 de diciembre del 2012 cuatro extraños se embarcan en una travesía de fe hacia un antiguo templo maya en el corazón de México. Para los Mayas esta fecha será el último día de una nueva era. Para los científicos de la NASA es un cambio polar cataclísmico. Para el resto de nosotros, es el Día del juicio final... Película de bajo presupuesto de la productora The Asylum, encargados de hacer copias de serie B de películas famosas de Hollywood, lanzándolas en DVD justo cuando las originales salen en cine. En este caso, es una copia de Doomsday, de Neil Marshall.
Dracula's Curse
First Assistant Director
A team of vampire hunters set out to battle an evil vampire clan in the dark underworld.
Su propia ley
First Assistant Director
Los detectives Kathryn Shaunessy y Gary Hill están lidiando con una serie de asesinatos de traficantes de drogas. Lo que no saben es que el jefe de policía de Los Ángeles, Donald Hallows y el capitán Taggart han reunido a un grupo de policías para trabajar como un grupo de ‘vigilantes’ con el hijo del jefe al mando y están detrás de esos asesinatos. Pero cuando Kathryn recibe una llamada de un miembro del grupo que se siente mal por lo que está pasando, no solo pone en peligro ella, sino también a su familia.