Thorne Smith

Nacimiento : 1892-09-27,

Muerte : 1934-06-12


The 1926 publication of "Topper" brought writer Thorne Smith immediate acclaim. A sophisticated spoof of middle-class manners and morals, it chronicles the madcap adventures of Cosmo Topper, a mild-mannered bank executive who is rescued from his drab "summer of suburban Sundays" by fun-loving ghosts George and Marion Kerby. A sequel, "Topper Takes a Trip" (1932), records the further ribald escapades of Topper and the Kerbys on the French Riviera. The improbable trio went on to inspire several movies, notably the 1937 film Topper (1937) starring Cary Grant and Constance Bennett, as well as a hit television series Topper (1953)). Following the success of "Topper", Smith enhanced his reputation with a number of clever fantasies. "The Stray Lamb" (1929) features a Topper-like hero whose complacent life is upset when he is transformed into an assortment of animals. In "The Night Life of the Gods" (1931) Smith captivated readers with the nocturnal antics of an oddball inventor who cavorts around Manhattan with reincarnated Greek and Roman deities, and in "Turnabout" (1931) he offered up a screwball comedy about a jaded husband and wife who temporarily switch identities. "Rain in the Doorway" (1933) transports a harassed lawyer from the gloom of the Depression through a portal into a department store tinged with The Marx Brothers lunacy, and "Skin and Bones" (1933) tells of a fashionable photographer who becomes a nearly invisible skeleton at the most inopportune moments. "Did She Fall?", Smith's one mystery, came out in 1930. During this period Smith also wrote "Lazy Bear Lane" (1931), a children's novel, and "The Bishop's Jaegers" (1932), a metaphorical tale about chance-met passengers on a lost ferry boat who find unexpected sanctuary in a nudist colony. "The Glorious Pool" (1934), in which a group of aging hedonists happen upon the fountain of youth, was the last fantasy Smith completed. While vacationing in Florida with his wife and two young daughters, Smith died suddenly of a heart attack on June 21, 1934. His unfinished novel, "The Passionate Witch", was published posthumously in 1941 and adapted for the screen the following year by director René Clair as I Married a Witch (1942), starring Veronica Lake and Fredric March. It was not, as often claimed, the inspiration for the long-running television series Bewitched (1964) with Elizabeth Montgomery. As recently as 1997 The New York Times rated Smith "one of America's most significant humorous writers" and credited his mischievous ghosts with inspiring such movies as The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (1947), Heaven Can Wait (1978), Beetlejuice (1988), Ghost (1990), Always (1989) and A Life Less Ordinary (1997). Date of Birth 27 March 1892, Annapolis, Maryland Date of Death 21 June 1934, Sarasota, Florida  (heart attack)


The Magic Statue
A young woman's wish that she be able to exchange places with her husband is granted.
A deceased couple affectionately haunt a living friend while trying to get into heaven.
Me casé con una bruja
Siglo XVII. Cuando Jennifer, acusada de brujería, está a punto de ser quemada en la hoguera, lanza una maldición sobre su acusador: todos sus descendientes serán infelices en sus matrimonios. En 1942, Wallace Wooley, al tiempo que se presenta como candidato a gobernador, está preparando su boda con la presumida de Estelle Masterson. Un rayo golpea el árbol junto al cual fue quemada la bruja y ésta cobra vida. Desde entonces, intentará arruinar la vida de Wallace.
La mujer fantasma
Topper vuelve a ser atormentado por un espíritu amante de la diversión... y del buen vino. Esta vez es Gail Richards, asesinada por error mientras estaba de vacaciones en casa de su rica amiga, Ann Carrington, que debía haber sido la víctima. Con la ayuda de Topper, Gail se dispone a encontrar a su asesino.
La pareja invisible se divierte
Mrs Topper's friend Mrs Parkhurst has convinced Mrs topper, to file for a divorce from Cosmo, due to the strange circumstances of his trip with ghost Marion Kirby. Marion comes back from heaven's door to help Cosmo again, this time only with dog Mr. Atlas. Due to a strange behavior of Cosmo, the judge refuses to divorce them, so Mrs Parkhurst takes Mrs Topper on a trip to France, where she tries to arrange the final reasons for the divorce, with help of a gold-digging French baron, Marion takes Cosmo to the same hotel, to bring them back together and to get her own final ticket to heaven, but the whole thing turns out to be not too easy.
Una pareja invisible
George y Marion Kerby mueren en un accidente de tráfico, pero regresan al mundo de los vivos como fantasmas y con la intención de vivir la lujosa vida de su amigo Cosmo Topper, presidente de un banco.
Night Life of the Gods
A scientist named Hunter Hawk invents a device that can turn flesh to stone. While celebrating his discovery he becomes involved with a half naked leprechaun. On a trip to New York, Hunter and Meg (the leprechaun) decide to go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and turn all of the Statues of Greek Gods into people. What follows in a drunken romp around New York with Medusa's severed head still in Perseus' hand.
A chef helps a housewife cook a duck dinner that will not give her husband indigestion.