Gérard Biard


Propaganda: el arte de mentir
Desde las antiguas pinturas rupestres hasta los mensajes de Twitter y las noticias falsas, la rápida progresión de la propaganda no ha comprometido su poder. Siguiendo el rastro de su uso efectivo por parte de líderes religiosos, políticos y comerciantes, el director Larry Weinstein realiza un estudio persuasivo de la maquinaria que hay detrás de la propaganda.
Je suis Charlie
This new documentary by the father-and-son directing team of Daniel and Emmanuel Leconte pays tribute to the 11 journalists of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo who were killed in the January 2015 attack by radical Islamic extremists.
It's Hard Being Loved by Jerks
The murder of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh by an Islamic extremist in 2004, followed by the publishing of twelve satirical cartoons depicting the prophet Mohammed that was commissioned for the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, provides the incendiary framework for Daniel Leconte's provocative documentary, It's Hard Being Loved by Jerks.