Thurl Ravenscroft

Thurl Ravenscroft

Nacimiento : 1914-02-06, Norfolk, Nebraska, USA

Muerte : 2005-05-22


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Thurl Arthur Ravenscroft (February 6, 1914 – May 22, 2005) was an American voice actor and bass singer known as the booming voice behind Kellogg's Frosted Flakes animated spokesman Tony the Tiger for more than five decades. He was also the uncredited vocalist for the song "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch" from the classic Christmas television special Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas! His voice acting career began in 1940 and lasted until his death in 2005 at age 91.


Thurl Ravenscroft


Extinct Attractions Club Presents: The Haunted Mansion Story
Through painstaking research, the torrid saga of the dearly beloved attraction is now revealed. Witness rare unearthed footage, superlative imagery and vicious interrogation of the guilty parties.
La tostadora valiente va a Marte
La Tostadora, Kirby, Manti, Lampi, Radio, un Ventilador y Robi (El hijo del dueño) deciden ir al espacio volando con el ventilador, llegan a Marte y Robi se pierde y es raptado por una civilización de extraterrestres inteligentes, por ello los electrodomésticos deberán rescatarlo.
La tostadora valiente 2: Al rescate
Kirby (voice)
La Tostadora valiente y sus amigos deben rescatar a unos animales de una clínica veterinaria antes de que sean enviados a un laboratorio para hacer pruebas con ellos.
Superior Duck
Daffy is supposedly a super hero and tries to show off his "super powers."
The Making of Dr. Seuss' 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas!'
Phil Hartman hosts this retrospective look back at the legacy and making of the classic 1966 holiday special 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas!'
Invasion of the Bunny Snatchers
The Black Hole (voice) (uncredited)
Daffy Duck, Yosemite Sam, and Elmer Fudd have all been captured, and badly animated pod-people versions have taken their places. Is Bugs next?
La tostadora valiente
Kirby (voice)
Ésta película cuenta la historia de la Tostadora, Manty (la manta eléctrica), Lampy (la lámpara), la Radio, y Kirby (la aspiradora), quienes viven en una casa de campo, junto a su dueño, niño que era su dueño y jugaba con ellos pero un día se fue, desde entonces los aparatos han estado esperando el día que su dueño volviera, pero una mañana alguien se bajó de un coche y colocó un cartel de "EN VENTA" delante de la casa. Así que deciden ir con una batería a buscar a su dueño a la ciudad. Pero se desvían y acaban en cascadas, lagos y tiendas de piezas de aparatos. Por otra parte el dueño que ya es mayor y tiene que irse a la universidad quiere ir a la casa de campo a por sus cosas, los aparatos de la casa moderna se enteran y deciden deshacerse de ellos y cuando los aparatos llegan a la casa estos los tiran a un contenedor rumbo a un vertedero.
EPCOT Center: A Souvenir Program
Announcer at Fantasyland castle opening
Welcome to this very special place, EPCOT Center, Walt Disney’s dream is now a reality. Epcot Center has two major themed areas, Future World, A showplace for new ideas, and new technologies. World Showcase presents a colorful array of architectural styles and landmarks, a true community of nations. In this Souvenir VHS Cassette, we get a look at EPCOT Center as it appeared in 1983.
Halloween Is Grinch Night
Bass Singer [uncredited]
When the sour-sweet wind starts blowing again, the Whos retreat to their homes because they know the Grinch will soon be a'prowlin. Young Eukariah Who has to make a trip to the Euphemism (outhouse), when the wind blows him away to a confrontation with the gruesome Grinch. Eukariah decides that the Grinch must be stopped, so he faces his fears and confronts the Grinch and his spooks.
Snoopy, vuelve a casa
"No Dogs Allowed" (voice) (uncredited)
¿Qué ocurre cuando nuestra mascota favorita de Norteamérica desaparece? Pues que se escucha un sonoro lamento entre sus compañeros de ”Snoopy, vuelve a casa”.
Snoopy, vuelve a casa
¿Qué ocurre cuando nuestra mascota favorita de Norteamérica desaparece? Pues que se escucha un sonoro lamento entre sus compañeros de ”Snoopy, vuelve a casa”.
The Lorax
Adaptación del libro del Dr. Seuss.
The Cat in the Hat
Thing 1 (voice)
In a marvelously animated version of one of the most beloved of all Dr. Seuss tales, two youngsters find themselves at home with nothing to do on a rainy afternoon. But when the magical, mischievous Cat in the Hat arrives on the scene, they're all cat-apulted into a day of rousing, romping, outlandish antics they - and you - will never forget!
Los aristogatos
Russian Cat (voice)
1910. En París una anciana millonaria y excéntrica lleva una vida feliz con sus gatos en su enorme mansión, con la única ayuda de su fiel mayordomo Edgar. Allí, Duquesa vive despreocupadamente con sus tres traviesos cachorros, sin saber que Edgar planea acabar con todos los gatos para convertirse en el único heredero de la enorme fortuna de la anciana Madame Bonfamille. Con este propósito, los abandona en un lugar remoto, pero quiere la suerte que se encuentren con Thomas O’Malley, un atractivo gato vagabundo y mundano. Desde el principio, O’Malley, atraído por la elegancia de Duquesa, se propone ayudarla a regresar a casa de Madame Bonfamille, aunque para ello tenga que enfrentarse con todos los peligros de la gran ciudad. Afortunadamente, contarán también con la ayuda de Scat Cat y sus gatos swing, que añaden un toque de ritmo y diversión a la vida de Duquesa y de los cachorros.
Horton y los microseres
Wickersham Brother (voice) (uncredited)
Horton, el conocido elefante de la jungla, nos enseña el valor de la amistad cuando de repente escucha un débil sollozo pidiendo ayuda proveniente de una mota de polvo, y encuentra en su interior un pequeño planeta lleno de vida. A pesar de que no puede verlos, está seguro de que los oye y decide poner a salvo a sus microscópicos habitantes. Gracias al Dr. Who-Vee y a Horton, Whoville sobrevive, y en ese momento nace una gran amistad. “Una persona es una persona, por muy pequeña que sea”.
The Night Before Christmas
Soloist (voice)
Fictionalized account of how Clement C. Moore came to write "A Visit from St. Nicholas." His young daughter, stricken with pneumonia, asks for a Santa Claus story for Christmas. No such story had been written, so Moore writes his famous poem, set to Ken Darby's music and sung by The Norman Luboff Choir.
El Grinch: el cuento animado
Singer 'You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch' (voice) (uncredited)
Amargo y odioso, el Grinch se irrita ante la idea de que una aldea cercana se divierta celebrando la Navidad. Disfrazado de Santa Claus, con su perro hecho para parecer un reno, decide asaltar el pueblo para robar todas las cosas navideñas.
How the Grinch Stole Christmas! Documentary
Singer 'You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch'
The making of the story of how a grumpy hermit hatches a plan to steal Christmas from the Whos of Whoville. You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch. Bitter and hateful, the Grinch is irritated at the thought of the nearby village having a happy time celebrating Christmas. So disguised as Santa Claus, with his dog made to look like a reindeer, he raids the village to steal all the Christmas things. The village is sure to have a sad Christmas this year.
Mary Poppins
Hog / Andrew's Whimper (voice) (uncredited)
Reinado de Eduardo VII (1901-1910). Una familia inglesa formada por un padre banquero, una madre sufragista y dos niños rebeldes -que pretenden llamar la atención de su padre haciendo la vida imposible a todas las niñeras-, se verá alterada con la llegada de Mary Poppins, una institutriz muy especial, que desciende de las nubes empleando su paraguas como paracaídas. Debut y Oscar para Julie Andrews en este clásico del cine familiar que en su día batió récords de taquilla. Una niñera mágica y canciones pegadizas que harán las delicias de los más pequeños de la casa.
Merlín el encantador
Black Bart (voice) (uncredited)
Encantador relato de dibujos animados para los más pequeños sobre la leyenda del rey Arturo (aquí siendo todavía joven), el mago Merlín y la espada Excalibur. Aventuras mil, magia y fantasía para otro gran éxito de la Disney.
Donald and the Wheel
Senior Spirit of Progress
A father tells his son the invention of the wheel was most important; to prove it, the two hipsters visit the inventor caveman Donald Duck. There follows a survey of the progress of transportation, a digression into the basics of gear ratios, a series of live-action dancers to various styles of music inside a giant jukebox, an illustration of the use of wheels in power generation and space satellites, etc. Ultimately, Donald decides he doesn't want the responsibility, but certainly someone else would take on the task.
101 dálmatas
Captain (voice)
Pongo y Perdita, los dalmatas protagonistas, son una feliz pareja canina que vive rodeada de sus cachorros junto a sus amos, Roger y Anita. Pero la felicidad no es eterna y hay una malvada mujer, que vive en una gran mansion, que es la mayor enemiga del perro.Cuando se entera de que los protagonistas tienen nada menos que quince cachorros dalmatas, su sueño de obtener un exclusivo abrigo de piel de los pequeños perros, se convierte en una obsesion. Para conseguirlo contrata a dos ladrones y pone en marcha un malvado plan con el unico fin de secuestrar a los dalmatas.
Noah's Ark
Shem / Ham / Japeth, Noah's sons
The Biblical story of Noah's ark full of animals gets the Disney treatment in this animated short.
Paul Bunyan
Paul Bunyan / Chorus (voice) (as The Mellomen)
A retelling of the classic Canadian / American tall tale of the enormous lumberjack and his loyal companion, an equally huge blue ox.
The Story of Anyburg U.S.A.
Cyrus P. Sliderule
The city of Anyburg decides its traffic situation has gotten out of hand, so it puts the automobile on trial. The trial (conducted in rhyme) starts with a car that was in a hit-and-run accident, followed by a sports car whose sins are peeling rubber and general hot-rodding, followed by a heap, on trial for lack of safety. Next, a number of safety equipment designers testify that, despite their best efforts, the accident rate keeps rising. Through all this, the defense lawyer declines to ask questions. A highway designer bemoans the problems on his beautiful roads. At last, defense. He shows a number of scenarios, pointing out that the real problem isn't the car but the driver. Everyone left the courtroom, declaring the car not guilty, and drove politely again, for a little while.
Design for Dreaming
Over-the-top 1950s “Populuxe” advertisement for General Motors. A woman falls asleep and dreams of a glorious future of perfect products, including a variety of shiny futuristic dream cars and Frigidaire’s fully automated “Kitchen of the Future.” The film debuted at the 1956 General Motors "Motorama" event in New York City.
La Dama y el Vagabundo
Al the Gator (voice)
Reina es una preciosa perrita de pura raza que vive feliz en su hogar. Jaimito y Linda, la miman mucho y ella corresponde feliz a sus cuidados. Sin embargo, el día en que sus dueños deciden hacer un viaje, la vida de Reina se ve alterada; la llegada de la tía Sara con sus gatos no provoca más que sobresaltos. Menos mal que conoce a Golfo, un perro vagabundo muy simpático
Pigs Is Pigs
Flannery, a railway agent does everything by the book. He gets into a scrape with a customer, McMorehouse, who wants to pay 44 cents freight for two guinea pigs which he considers pets. Flannery, however, considers them pigs (freight 48 cents), a decision he begins to regret when the animals begin to reproduce.
Música y lágrimas
Glenn Miller fue uno de los más famosos músicos de jazz de la "era del swing". En 1925 empezó a tocar el trombón en una pequeña banda de provincias y, después de una gira por pueblos y ciudades, se instaló en Nueva York. Hasta allí llegó su novia para casarse. La boda fue una histórica sesión musical dirigida por el gran Louis Armstrong. A partir de entonces la carrera de Glenn Miller estuvo llena de éxitos.
Toot, Whistle, Plunk and Boom
The Mellomen
Historia de la música a través de los siglos, desde el hombre prehistórico a la orquesta sinfónica moderna.
Truco o trato
The Mellomen (voice) (uncredited)
When the nephews come to Donald's house in their Halloween costumes he dumps water on them and laughs at his trick. A witch sees this and decides to help the kids. By magic she gives Donald a bad time and the kids finally get their treats.
Rooty Toot Toot
Johnny / Honest John the Crook
The story of Frankie and Johnny: Frankie walks into a bar, where she catches her boyfriend Johnny with the sensuous Nellie Bly and kills him in a fit of jealousy.
Alicia en el país de las maravillas
Card Painter (voice)
Historia de magia y fantasía en el que la joven Alicia se sumerge en el sorprendente país de las maravillas y conoce a extraordinarios personajes como Tweedledee y Tweedledum, el Sombrerero Loco, La Reina de Corazones y el frenético Conejo Blanco.
La Cenicienta
Cenicienta vive con su madrastra y las dos hijas de ésta. Las tres le hacen la vida imposible y la tienen trabajando sin parar en las labores del hogar. Pero ella establece amistad con los animales de la casa, que le ayudarán a asistir al baile Real al que su madre no le permite ir.
Springtime for Pluto
Singing Caterpillar
Seduced by a satyr, Pluto celebrates spring. He goes around enjoying the scents, then imitating various animals. But when he imitates the butterfly (that transformed from a caterpillar before our eyes), he gets in trouble. The butterfly had done a little dance with a water droplet; Pluto picks a beehive as his "ball". The bees, of course, attack, and Pluto escapes by diving into some bushes of poison ivy. Then the "gentle" rains of spring come, along with the hail ("hail, hail the rains"), making a mess of Pluto's house. When the rains end and the satyr returns, Pluto gives him the greeting he deserves.
Lost Canyon
Singing Ranch Hand
Burton is after Clark's ranch. He gets the banker to refuse to renew Clark's note and then sends his men to rustle his cattle. Hoppy is Clark's new foreman and is on to Burton's scheme. But just as he learns of the rustling and is about to go after the gang, the Sheriff arrives and arrests him for hiding Johnny who has been accused of robbery.
Jingle Belles
Gloria Jean sings two songs in the Universal musical short, which also features The Sportsman Quartette, the Milt Herth Trio, the singing trio of Lee, Lyn and Lou, and the Schuplatter Dancers
Prehistoric Porky
Lizard Singer (voice) (uncredited)
Caveman Porky awakens and plays with his pet Rover, a massive dinosaur. After Rover's playfulness causes a disruption to the prehistoric peace and quiet, Porky's copy of "Expire" magazine arrives in the mail, filled with ads for fashionable new bearskins. Porky decides to go out and get himself a new suit, and sets off with his trusty club.
Little Blabbermouse
Chew Tobacco (voice)
A mouse, imitating W.C. Fields, leads a nighttime tour of a closed drugstore for other mice, that include a very inquisitive little boy.
Pilgrim Porky
The Pilgrims, led by captain Porky Pig, set sail from Plymouth for America. We get a series of ocean sailing blackout gags, including a running bit between our narrator and the cook, looking for a fish suitable for dinner, a singing trio interrupted by seasickness, flying fish (in airplanes). Then, The Rains Came. A collision with an iceberg is narrowly averted. Land is sighted. The pilgrims are welcomed by Chief Sitting Bull.
Isle Of Destiny
Sportsman Quartet Member
A pretty socialite / pilot runs into gun smugglers when she lands her plane on a Pacific island.
Monstro the Whale (uncredited)
Un anciano llamado Geppetto fabrica una marioneta de madera a la que llama Pinocho, con la esperanza de que se convierta en un niño de verdad. El Hada Azul hace realidad su deseo y da vida a Pinocho, pero conserva su cuerpo de madera. Pepito Grillo, la conciencia de Pinocho, tendrá que aconsejarlo para que se aleje de las situaciones difíciles o peligrosas hasta conseguir que el muñeco se convierta en un niño de carne y hueso.
Sioux Me
Indian Bass Singer (voice)
When there is a drought on an Indian reservation, everyone is in desperate need of water so that they can quench their thirst, their crops can grow, the animals will provide them food, etc. But rather than having to wait for the rain to come the old-fashioned way, a weather pill pertaining to that is used to bring instant showers.