Antonella Stefanucci

Antonella Stefanucci


Antonella Stefanucci


Io, nel gioco delle seduzioni
It's Not Just a Game
The Skratch Fab presents It is not just a game, directed by Guglielmo Lipari, a short hit with the mockumentary style full of twists.
Vita segreta di Maria Capasso
Nato a Casal di Principe
In the late 1980s, Amedeo Letizia, a young 20 something Italian, leaves his hometown of Casal di Principe to pursue a career in acting in Rome. While he's making his debut, his younger brother Paolo is kidnapped by armed men. Amedeo comes back, this return being an infernal descent into his past and his region's contradictions.
Moscati: El médico de los pobres
Nina Moscati
Giuseppe Moscati, el santo doctor de Nápoles, fue un médico de inicios del siglo XX, proveniente de una familia aristocrática dedicó su carrera a servir a los pobres. En la película se centran en su lado humano, dejando parcialmente de lado su parte espiritual. Moscati asistía a Misa todos los días, incentivaba a sus pacientes a que recibieran los sacramentos, atendía a los pacientes pobres gratis, y solía enviar pacientes de vuelta a sus casas no solo con la receta para sus remedios sino también con dinero. En épocas catastróficas en Italia, Moscati se mantuvo ayudando en todo lo que su profesión le permitía.
No tengo miedo
En 1978, durante el verano más caluroso del siglo, en la aldea de Acque Traverse todo parece inmóvil, inactivo; el colegio ha terminado, los adultos se resguardan dentro de sus casas para escapar del calor que a todos sofoca. Sólo un pequeño grupo de niños se mueve libremente por los campos, jugando y corriendo aventuras. Un día, Michele, un niño de nueve años, descubre un terrible secreto que le muestra el lado más oscuro del mundo de los adultos (FILMAFFINITY)
Incantesimo napoletano
Woman on the balcony
In a family of full-blooded Neapolitans, tragedy strikes: a girl is born speaking and acting like a northerner!
Más allá de los ojos
La cinta nos traslada al Nápoles de los años 50, donde un niño vive con intranquilidad el regreso de su padre mientras está rodeado de toda su familia (compuesta, exceptuando un cura, exclusivamente por mujeres, de las cuales también está acompañado en la escuela de monjas) celebrando los tradicionales festejos de la Navidad. Es la mirada de este niño la que Rocca rueda, llenando la pantalla de sus juegos y miedos, a través de su mirada y su imaginación, de sus complicidades y amistades, su ingenio e ingenua sabiduría, su inocencia y picardía.
Dr. Lotto's nurse
Antonio is a man born with unusually large incisors; his freakishly huge teeth made him an outcast as a child and as man he has become obsessive and controlling in his relationships with women. Convinced that his girlfriend cheated on him (with her dentist, ça va sans dire), Antonio insults her in a fit of anger and in the fight she breaks off one of his teeth. Antonio now must travel across the country, going from dentist to dentist in search of someone who can make a crown that will suit his extra-large smile.
Auguri professore
Lipari's mother
Professor Lipari teaches in a public school and is in a full-on existential crisis. He has no faith in himself and in the possibility of changing the world for the better. At school, a former student of his who is also a teacher will change his attitude.
Round the Moons Between Earth and Sea
Maria la pazza
Giuseppe M. Gaudino made his directorial debut with this experimental film portrait contrasting the ancient Roman empire with poverty in present-day Naples. The film's narrator introduces the ancient town of Pozzuloi, home to Nero, his mother Agrippina, the Sibyl of Cumae, and Christian martyr Artema. This historical drama is intertwined with a modern-day story of a poverty-stricken family, forced by earthquakes during the '70s to move to the country, a devastating blow to the close-knit family. After a 1997 Venice Film Festival screening at 125 minutes, the filmmakers announced their plans to re-edit to a shorter running time. Also known as Moonspins Between Land and Sea.
Sacred Silence
A young priest crusades against organized crime in his Naples neighbourhood but falls in love with a 13-year old boy. It's the chance the gangsters were waiting for to get rid of the thorn in their side. Will they be able to force the boy to accuse the priest of sexual harassment and have his reputation destroyed?
Mario and the Magician
The Twenties: The German Fuhrmann family spend their holidays in Italy again. The country is full of mysteries in that time. The Fuhrmann's have to realize the upcoming and growing fascism and their children are fascinated by a magician visiting the town. Soon nothing is as usual. The times are changing ...