The most mischievous characters to ever come out of Disney studios, Chip 'N' Dale are cute, cuddly and always in the centre of trouble. Here is a special collection of their Adventures that will have you and your family laughing again and again. It's double trouble in 'Chip 'N' Dale Go Nuts' when Donald tries to chop down their house for firewood, along with their supply of nuts. Then Chip 'N' Dale make themselves at home in Donald's train set in 'Out Of Scale'. It's romantic mayhem when Chip 'N' Dale like the same girl in 'Two Chips And A Miss'. In 'Food For Feudin", Pluto wants to hide his bones in the same tree where Chip 'N' Dale store their acorns.
In a marvelously animated version of one of the most beloved of all Dr. Seuss tales, two youngsters find themselves at home with nothing to do on a rainy afternoon. But when the magical, mischievous Cat in the Hat arrives on the scene, they're all cat-apulted into a day of rousing, romping, outlandish antics they - and you - will never forget!
Horton, el conocido elefante de la jungla, nos enseña el valor de la amistad cuando de repente escucha un débil sollozo pidiendo ayuda proveniente de una mota de polvo, y encuentra en su interior un pequeño planeta lleno de vida. A pesar de que no puede verlos, está seguro de que los oye y decide poner a salvo a sus microscópicos habitantes. Gracias al Dr. Who-Vee y a Horton, Whoville sobrevive, y en ese momento nace una gran amistad. “Una persona es una persona, por muy pequeña que sea”.
Jack cambia una vaca, que es la única fortuna de su casa, por unas habichuelas “mágicas” que le ofrece el buhonero Jeremy. Las siembra y la planta crece hasta llegar a las nubes. En compañía de Jeremy sube por el tronco y llegan al reino de un ogro que tiene secuestrada a la princesa Serena convertida en arpa, además de poseer una oca que pone huevos de oro. Se suceden múltiples aventuras en las que consiguen arrebatar al gigante sus tesoros y regresar a casa, llevando Jeremy en su corazón el amor de la princesa.
J.J. Fate again shows us how accidents aren't his fault, but instead are the result of carelessness. Donald is Mr. Careful at home, but at work, he starts right off by falling down the stairs. He has run-ins with a punch press, flammable paint, a conveyor belt, loose clothing, a monkey wrench, and other problems.
A retelling of the classic Canadian / American tall tale of the enormous lumberjack and his loyal companion, an equally huge blue ox.
It's a peaceful day in a local city when suddenly, duck J.J. Fate appears to lecture us on how "fate" isn't to blame for accidents, people are! He uses Donald Duck as an example. Donald is extremely accident prone. He lights his pipe in a room with a gas leak, slips on a throw rug while carrying a fish bowl, overloads electrical outlets, and continually falls down the stairs. Finally, Donald has had enough and fixes his house guaranteeing no more accidents. That's good for Donald but the rest of the accident prone city still has to learn "not to blame fate for your carelessness".
An old-timer tells his grandson that old-time football players could take a modern team, so we see a game with just that match-up: Bygone U. vs. Present State. More specifically, the Bygone U. team of 11 vs. Present State's dozens of special squads and support personnel. Even the stadium, fans, and press are modern vs. old-time. The game is close, and fiercely fought.
As the narrator explains, educating children is one of the most important things today and the heroic man who takes on this role is "the school teacher" (Goofy, naturally). After taking role call, Goofy tries to teach the class but keeps having to deal with a mischievous trouble-maker named George who enjoys sneaking out of class to go fishing, eating the teacher's apple, squeaking chalk, making faces while teacher gives a geography lesson, and terrorizing the other students with his water pistol. In the end, George's mischief goes too far when he destroys the school with an exploding bomb and is forced to write "I will not bomb the school again" 100 times!
George Geef rushes to the office to inform his fellow employees, "Hey, fellas! I'm a father!". Unfortunately, Geef later learns that, with fatherhood, comes responsibility and lots of it. He must discipline his son when he starts fighting with neighboring kids, filling his pipe with bubble water, and pestering him while he tries to read the newspaper. But most difficult of all is getting him to pick up his toys which is no easy task. Finally, he gets ready to apply hair brush to child's behind but is talked out of it when he sees his son sleeping peacefully. "Kids, they're wonderful," he concludes.
Mickey se lleva a Pluto de vacaciones al campamento Utopía.
Un escarabajo le cuenta a sus hijos la historia de Morrirs, el reno.
Chip and Dale are busy collecting nuts and hiding them in a tree, when Pluto comes along and tries to hide his bone in the same tree. When all of the nuts end up in Pluto's dog house, Chip and Dale must come up with a way to get the nuts back.
Father and son coyotes try to sneak into a henhouse that Pluto is guarding.
Una pareja de gatos callejeros trata de robar comida del jardín que vigila Pluto. El perro tratará de impedírselo a pesar de sus constantes e ingeniosos intentos.
Pluto's primitive wolf nature emerges and berates him for going soft. But their little hunting trip goes bad when Pluto encounters a rabbit and bear that give him some trouble.
Pluto is infatuated by a pretty lady dog, but she sighs for Prince, a circus wonder dog she sees on a poster.
Cenicienta vive con su madrastra y las dos hijas de ésta. Las tres le hacen la vida imposible y la tienen trabajando sin parar en las labores del hogar. Pero ella establece amistad con los animales de la casa, que le ayudarán a asistir al baile Real al que su madre no le permite ir.
Pluto digs up Minnie's garden and destroys her house in order to catch a pesky gopher-in spite of Minnie's scoldings.
Pluto falls for Dinah the dachshund; so does Butch. She strings both along, until Pluto very sweetly gives her a bone. But Butch won't let her go, and keeps horning in, much to her annoyance.
A coyote and his rather dim son stalk the sheep that Pluto is guarding.
Minnie Mouse knits a sweater for Pluto. When she puts it on him, Pluto does whatever he can to try to get it off, eventually shrinking it to the perfect size for Figaro.
Pluto intenta traer el correo, lo cual se vuelve más difícil cuando a un paquete le salen patas e intenta nadar. Entre la tortuga errante y el viento que sopla el otro correo, Pluto tiene una gran tarea por delante. Y no es más fácil cuando las letras y la tortuga salen de un gran acantilado.
Mickey goes into a souvenir shop out west and leaves Pluto with a buffalo bone to chew on. A small dog comes to take it away and runs into a ring of cactus with it; Pluto is too big to enter the same way, so he comes in from above and finds himself stuck inside until the small dog helps.
Mickey accidentally takes a seal home, after it sneaks into his picnic basket. When Mickey takes a bath, the seal is discovered and Mickey returns him to the park. Later, however, Mickey and Pluto discover that the bathroom is filled with seals!
A little bird tries to fly too soon and lands in Pluto's water dish. Pluto saves it and returns it to the nest but soon the bird tries again. This time, Pluto decides to give flying lessons, first pulling the bird like a kite, then launching him with an improvised slingshot.
Morning, and Figaro the kitten wants to play. Pluto, on the other hand, has been out all night and wants to sleep. Finally, the sandman who has been putting Pluto to sleep calls in Figaro's sandman.
Mickey Mouse sends Pluto to buy sausage at the butcher shop, but Butch schemes to steal it.
Pluto se despierta de su siesta y ve que su comida ¡ha desaparecido!. De repente, recuerda que tiene un escondite subterráneo dónde quizá pueda haberla guardado. Cuál es su sorpresa cuando descubre que una ardilla ha estado utilizando sus huesos para mantener las galerías que ha excavado.
Pluto wants to sing along with the birds, bee and cricket, but he is tone deaf.
When a pilot has to turn back due to a severe storm, he drops the mail at a remote outpost where it can be delivered by dogsled. The falling mail pouch lands on Pluto, and he sets out to deliver it. He is continually delayed by a rabbit along the way, but in the end, the rabbit helps Pluto deliver the mail pouch.
Even though Mickey's evening started slow and lazy, things get moving in a hurry when Minnie calls from outside the big dance, wondering why he's late. Luckily his best pal Pluto is happy to help wrangle the uncooperative evening wear and help get him out the door...without the tickets
Figaro is hungry for a small, yellow canary named Frankie but must pass a barrier; Minnie Mouse.
The snow covered mountains; but not to worry, rescue dog Pluto is on duty. Actually, given that he barely keeps himself safe, maybe you should worry. A playful seal keeps stealing his cask of grog.
Pluto has just finished moving his bones into a spiffy new doghouse when a turtle comes along and starts moving them out. While Pluto is dealing with the turtle, Butch takes up residence. Butch chases Pluto back to his grungy old doghouse, and now it's his turn to deal with the tenacious little turtle. The turtle wins, and he and Pluto become friends.
Minnie gives Figaro a bath and ties a ribbon around his neck. Figaro feels like a sissy, and when he mixes it up with some alley cats, they mock him, and the leader attacks. But Figaro is so afraid that his shaking topples a series of trash cans onto the aggressor. The rest of the cats didn't see this happen, and think Figaro defeated their leader. Of course, now he's all dirty, and he needs another bath.
Police dog Pluto is tracking down Butch, the dog that abducted rich dog "Ronnie" for a 10,000 bone ransom. Pluto releases Ronnie, but is hunted by Butch.
In Holland, Pluto acts as a milkman (dog?) leaving canisters of milk on the town's doorsteps. While going about his job, he falls head over heels in love with Dinah the dachshund. In his enthusiasm, he accidentally rings the dike bell causing the town to think the dike is leaking. When the fraud is exposed, Pluto and Dinah are kicked out of the town. Upon leaving, they both notice the dike actually has sprung a leak. While Dinah plugs the leak, Pluto must return to the town and find a way to get the residents to follow him to the dike leak.
El hermano menor de Pluto, K.B., sigue metiéndose en problemas. Cuando Butch el bulldog pasea, K.B. se une a él. Butch consigue que K.B. se meta en una carnicería a través de una pequeña ranura. Llega Pluto, se pelean y activan la alarma antirrobo, que trae al cazador de perros, que agarra a Butch.
Pluto is guarding a flock of sheep in the West; a coyote is sneaking up on that flock. The coyote fakes a bad leg; Pluto chases it away, only to have it run back ahead of him and go after the sheep. Pluto gets back and finds the coyote chasing the lone black sheep of the flock, after trapping the rest. The chase ends with the coyote buried under a toppling spire of rock, which forms a coyote of rock on the top.
Pluto spots Dinah the dachshund and is smitten, but she ignores him. He uses a giant bone to steal a kiss, and hides behind a mirror, but still no luck. Then Dinah is nabbed by the dogcatcher, and Pluto goes in to free her. Their thrilling escape finally gets Pluto another kiss.
As a ship's crew is on shore leave, seadog Pluto is left to stand watch. He sees a threatening shape, but it turns out to be a cache of bones. He grabs one and settles in contentedly. A rat sneaks on, and Pluto springs into action. The rat toys with him, until it finds the officer's mess. He bribes Pluto, until he hears an officer approaching. The rat hides, and Pluto gets thrown in the brig, while the rat sneaks off with his sandwich. But Pluto gets even.
Goofy juega en todas las posiciones para demostrar cómo se juega al fútbol y tiene problemas con el entrenador y el portero.
Seduced by a satyr, Pluto celebrates spring. He goes around enjoying the scents, then imitating various animals. But when he imitates the butterfly (that transformed from a caterpillar before our eyes), he gets in trouble. The butterfly had done a little dance with a water droplet; Pluto picks a beehive as his "ball". The bees, of course, attack, and Pluto escapes by diving into some bushes of poison ivy. Then the "gentle" rains of spring come, along with the hail ("hail, hail the rains"), making a mess of Pluto's house. When the rains end and the satyr returns, Pluto gives him the greeting he deserves.
Un gorila muy peligroso se ha escapado del zoologico. Al escuchar que los sobrinos de Donald escuchan la noticia en la radio, Donald aprovecha para darles un susto, pero pronto el susto se lo llevará él mismo...
Pluto rescata un pobre e indefenso gatito. El gato sigue a Pluto a su hogar, donde comienza a recibir la atención de Mickey, lo que provoca que Pluto se sienta celoso...
Mickey's going golfing, and Pluto is his caddy. Besides the usual caddy duties, Pluto runs to the ball and points to it. But when the ball lands in a gopher hole, Pluto's got another task: chase the gopher. They eventually chase each other through a number of holes in a knoll where Mickey is trying to putt out, causing the knoll to collapse.
Mickey Mouse lies in bed like a lord, getting served breakfast by man's (and mouse's?) best friend Pluto as gentleman's gentleman. Next duty is to fetch the paper, but also pay for it with a coin for the vending machine, and those round things have a nasty habit of escaping a dog's teeth and bouncing over the pavement till they end up in the gutter. After enough attempts to fish and spend the penny, Pluto has a newspaper to carry the same way. The wind has a nasty way to get a better grip on page after page then the dog, so by the time he delivers the daily dose of printed news it's an embarrassingly muddy mess.
A cat tries to sneak into a dog talent show.
Meany, Miny, and Moe get involved in an auto race and chaos ensues.