Ferran Paredes

Nacimiento : , Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain


Alganesh: Hope On the Horizon
Director of Photography
This emotional doc explores Dr. Alganesh Fessaha's mission to breed hope and bright futures for young lives displaced by the Ethiopian-Eritrean Conflict.
Natale in casa Cupiello
Director of Photography
The Mayor of Rione Sanità
Director of Photography
Antonio Barracano, a man of honor distinguishing between “decent people and scoundrels” in the Neapolitan underworld, is the "Mayor of Rione Sanità". Administering justice according to his own criteria, beyond the State, he is faced with a difficult decision when Rafiluccio Santaniello, the baker's son, asks him for his benediction to kill his father.
Stories from the Chestnut Woods
Director of Photography
In the mid-20th century, in a forested valley between Italy and Yugoslavia, a stingy widower befriends a young woman and helps her depart across the ocean to find there a better life. A chance encounter gives rise to a dreamy parable on loss, loneliness and the power of imagination.
Director of Photography
Mariagrazia, Chiara and Letizia are inseparable friends forced to come to terms every day with the hated extra kilos, looks of disapproval from their schoolmates and giggles in the school hallways. Mariagrazia suffers for the confrontation with her mother (Valeria Solarino), a former sports champion. Chiara has a chat with a peer, but she is too afraid to send him her photo. Letizia has a talent for music but too much shame to show it. After the umpteenth teasing, an unexpected opportunity for redemption comes from the popular and beautiful Alice, captain of the synchronized swimming school team, forced by a blackmail to train them in secret. The three girls embark on an impossible challenge, driven into the water by their desire for revenge.
Look Beyond
Dedicated to inspiring athletes with disabilities, this doc details the life of rugby player Ian McKinley, who has one eye, and his brother Phil.
Siempre Tú
Director of Photography
The Vice of Hope
Director of Photography
To support her family, Maria works as a trafficker of surrogate mothers, transporting them from place to place along a river — but when one disappears, Maria is left with the task of finding her and must enter deeper into a world she wishes to escape.
Il tuttofare
Director of Photography
We are all equal before the law, but some are just more equal than others.
The Startup: Accendi il tuo futuro
Director of Photography
A teenager, named Matteo, dreams of becoming a professional swimmer. When his coach prefers to him the son of the team's sponsors, Matteo takes revenge studying at the university Bocconi and inventing a social network.
La hora del cambio
Director of Photography
Los vecinos del pequeño pueblo siciliano de Pietrammare viven acostumbrados al caos que conlleva “saltarse la ley”, pero están hartos. Las carreteras tienen socavones, el tráfico es insufrible, la basura se acumula en las aceras y no hay día que un vecino no pise un excremento de perro. Tampoco les falta un gran puerto... sin barcos, y una fábrica altamente contaminante. Pero parece que ha llegado la hora del cambio: en las elecciones, un nuevo alcalde ha salido victorioso y viene con la firme intención de cumplir todo su programa electoral.
Director of Photography
Daisy y Viola son hermanas gemelas siamesas que están a punto de cumplir 18 años y viven en los suburbios de Nápoles. Han sido bendecidos con hermosas voces y gracias a sus presentaciones en bodas, comuniones y bautizos, obtienen el sustento de toda la familia. Mantenidos aislados del resto del mundo por su propio padre que solo los explota para ganar dinero, su vida se vuelve del revés cuando uno de ellos se enamora por primera vez y descubre que pueden separarse.
Index Zero
2035, United States of Europe. Some humans are not sustainable anymore.
Bolgia totale
Director of Photography
Zoran, mi sobrino tonto
Director of Photography
Paolo es un borrachín infeliz deseoso de recuperar a su esposa, que ahora está con otro. De repente irrumpe en su vida Zoran, de 15 años, pariente que proviene de una tía lejana eslovena. “Pero, ¿es tonto?”, pregunta Paolo al notario mirando al joven. La principal cualidad de Zoran es que es infalible con los dardos. Tras una prueba en un club de dardos esloveno, Paolo ve en ese talento una oportunidad de negocio que podría cambiar su vida. Este insoportable chaval medio autista del Este, que él sigue llamando Zagor, podría hacerle rico si ganase los 60.000 euros del premio principal del campeonato mundial de dardos de Glasgow. (FILMAFFINITY)
Hostias (Un amor de película)
Director of Photography
Comedia romántica acerca de un director de cine que es engañado por su productor y distribuidor, lo que le obligó a hacer una película de bajo presupuesto con un guión terrible. (FILMAFFINITY)
I più grandi di tutti
Director of Photography
Oggi gira così
Director of Photography
Fisico da Spiaggia
Director of Photography
How can you lose weight in a flash? Holding your breath may do magic…
Narciso, Dietro i Cannoni, Davanti ai Muli