Sten Jacobs


The Summer House
Markus Larsen
Los Larsen viven a las afueras de Berlín y son la imagen perfecta de la familia de clase media-alta alemana. Tienen todo lo que significa comodidad y debería significar la felicidad. Pero su realidad cotidiana dista de ser tan feliz y perfecta. La madre es depresiva, y el padre lleva una doble vida homosexual. En un momento dado, este se enamora de un compañero de clase, de doce años, de su hija.
Give Me Another Year
Stephen lives in Berlin and is unemployed. Together with his ex-girlfriend he shares custody of his son, Jasper, but while other fathers go with their children to the movies, they browse through their days, collecting old clothes or returnable bottles. Jasper loves his father and covers for him towards his mother and the child welfare office, but it is increasingly difficult for Stephen to bear his own free fall through the German social network. He knows what personal and professional mistakes he has made and as he realizes that he now runs the risk of failing as a father, he decides on a calm farewell and prepares himself for a serious act of desperation.
Ich habe Dir nie erzählt, womit ich mein Geld verdiene
Six Easy Pieces
Six Easy Pieces is based on the book "Six Easy Pieces: Essentials of physics explained by its most brilliant teacher" by Richard P. Feynman. It brings together the foundations of "Film as the Seventh Art; a superb conciliation of the 'Rhythms of Space' and the 'Rhythms of Time'" by Ricciotto Canudo and "Music is the pleasure the human mind experiences from counting without being aware that it is counting" by Gottfried Leibniz. The work deconstructs film as the perfect synthesis of art and technology. Connecting art and science, it romantically refers to an age when artists and scientists had similar concerns and were often one and the same person.
El buen alemán
Soldier (uncredited)
En 1945, terminada la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Jake Geismar (George Clooney), un corresponsal de guerra norteamericano, vuelve a Berlín para informar sobre la Conferencia de Postdam, que reunirá a Truman, Churchill y Stalin. Al mismo tiempo, se ve envuelto en un turbulento asunto por intentar ayudar a Lena Brandt (Cate Blanchett), una antigua amante, cuyo marido es buscado tanto por los americanos como por los rusos.