Anthony Frewin
Whatever happened to Scotland's Silicon Glen? US giant IBM arrived at Spango Valley in post-war Greenock, attracted as part of a government effort to replace industrial jobs. For decades the company provided thousands of jobs, often at the leading edge of technology, helping to attract dozens of high-tech investments to Scotland from all over the world. What was it like to work for the company known as Big Blue? The film uncovers the stories of the shop-floor at IBM. And it tells of IBM's supporting role in major events including the Moon landings and the creation of an iconic movie - Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Stanley Kubrick looked for decades for a way to tell the story of Eyes Wide Shut before finally making it. Then, within days of completing the film, he passed away.
Never Just a Dream: Stanley Kubrick and Eyes Wide Shut is a short documentary in which those who knew Kubrick best tell the story of the project and recall this final chapter of his career in moving detail.
Año 1942. Dos checos saltan en paracaídas cerca de Praga con la orden de atentar contra el líder nazi Reinhard Heidrich, General de las SS y conocido como "el carnicero de Praga". Basada en la historia de la Operación Antropoide, la misión de la Segunda Guerra Mundial para asesinar a Heidrich, tercero en la línea de mando y artífice intelectual de la Solución Final.
Documental sobre el trabajo de investigación que llevó a cabo Jon Ronson (durante cuatro años) para explorar los cientos de cajas, casi un millar, que el realizador Stanley Kubrick había reunido durante gran parte de su vida en su residencia familiar de Hertfordshire. Tras una ardua labor de rebuscar, se extrajo interesantísimo material, tanto de las películas que llegó a finalizar, como de sus proyectos inacabados. Fotografías de localización, cartas, anotaciones, guiones, recortes de periódicos...
Keir Dullea, interspersed with archive clips of Arthur C. Clarke, discusses the probability of extraterrestrial life.
He is considered by many the greatest film director the medium has ever known. Yet in a 45-year career, Stanley Kubrick's films number only a dozen. That he strove for perfection is well established. What is less known is that he lavished years of energy on several films that never saw the flickering light of the silver screen. Through interviews and abundant archival materials, this documentary examines these "lost" films in depth to discover what drew Kubrick to these projects, the work he did to prepare them for production, and why they ultimately were abandoned.
This documentary about "2001: A Space Odyssey" looks at some of the things that seemed fanciful in 1968, which don't seem quite as much anymore.
Ésta es la verdadera historia de un hombre que, durante el rodaje de "Eyes Wide Shut", se hizo pasar ante la sociedad londinense por el famoso y atrabiliario director de cine Stanley Kubrick. De este modo consiguió las mejores mesas en los restaurantes, acceso a las fiestas más exclusivas y los mayores elogios de multitud de personas que desconocían el verdadero aspecto del realizador.