Néo Rouleau

Néo Rouleau


Néo Rouleau


The Children of Chance
In the backdrop of the Nazi occupation of France, taken to the hospital for a broken leg from an accident, twelve-year-old Maurice Gutman is narrowly spared from the mass roundup that will take his family from him and leave them imprisoned in a distant death camp. At the hospital, Dr. Daviel diagnoses him with tuberculosis and imposes a long treatment, perhaps a humane ruse to prevent him from being deported. Over the course of two years, while living with the hospital staff, Maurice and eight other young boarders unforgettably experience friendship, solidarity and extraordinary courage. These are the children of luck.
Un chico normal comienza una relación con una actriz más bella de lo que nunca pudo imaginarse. Pero en ese momento aparece una chica muy molesta que convierte su vida en un infierno. La hasta entonces perfecta relación comienza a fallar cuando su novia empieza a sospechar que se puede traer algo con esa tal "Caprice".