Shohei Tanaka


What a Wonderful Life!!
Shuichi Furukawa receives a phone call from his mother. She reminds him that they are moving the next day. The following day, Shuichi takes a train ride back to his hometown. He arrives at his parents home, but nobody is home. He looks for the house key under a potted plant but can't find the key. He starts to thinks back to his childhood days in his parents home. Shuichi grew up with his younger brother, older sister, father who ran a shoe making business out of their garage and mother. Shuichi grew up with a crush on an older woman who lived next door and he loved to make piggy banks out of empty whiskey bottles. One day on a school picnic, Shuichi's classmates grabbed a lunchbox from a fellow student and eventually gave the lunch box to Shuichi. All the other students chanted "throw it away," while Shuichi's former friend looked on in despair.
Still Walking (Caminando)
Atsushi Yokoyama
Un día de verano, unos hijos vuelven a la casa familiar para visitar a sus ancianos padres. Los dos llegan con sus respectivas familias para conmemorar la trágica muerte del hijo mayor en un accidente ocurrido hace quince años. Aunque la casa y la comida familiar apenas han variado, el paso de los años permite observar ligeros cambios en cada uno de los miembros de la familia: el amor se mezcla con el rencor y todos guardan algún secreto.
Tokyo Tower: Mom and Me, and Sometimes Dad
Adapted from the bestselling Japanese autobiography of the same title, this gentle coming-of-age drama concerns an adolescent boy, Boku - Masaya, torn between the inherited recklessness of his father Oton and the inherited responsibility, wisdom and emotional strength of his mother Okan. Following a period of intensely rebellious behavior, Boku learns that his mom has contracted cancer; suddenly, his mother comes to live with him in Tokyo the entire emotional landscape of his life is altered.
En el siglo XVIII, los samuráis que llevaban a cabo actos de venganza eran compensados económicamente por los clanes a los que pertenecían. Un joven samurái que llega a Edo (actual Tokio) con el propósito de vengar a su difunto padre busca a su enemigo por toda la ciudad. El problema es que, además no saber manejar la espada, no tiene realmente ganas de ejecutar su misión. Alojado en una vivienda pobre, pero rica en relaciones humanas, aprende a apreciar de la vida y empieza a cuestionarse el sentido de la venganza.