Misako Renbutsu

Misako Renbutsu

Nacimiento : 1991-02-27, Tottori, Kyoto, Japan


Misako Renbutsu is an actress in Japan. She won the Grand Prix award at the Super Heroine Audition Miss Phoenix in 2005.


Misako Renbutsu
Misako Renbutsu


ノンレムの窓 2023 冬
Sweet My Home
A sports instructor in Nagano is named Kenji Kiyosawa (Masataka Kubota). He is fascinated by a model house called Mahou no Ie, which is able to warm the inside of an entire home with only one air conditioner unit. Kenji Kiyosawa decides to construct a similar home for his wife and daughter, who are both sensitive to cold temperatures. In the meantime, Kenji Kiyosawa and his wife have a second daughter. Finally, the construction of their new home is completed. Kenji Kiyosawa, his wife, and their two daughters move into their new home. They are elated with their new home, but bizarre incidents soon take place there.
Fullmetal Alchemist: La alquimia final
Riza Hawkeye
El largo y tortuoso viaje de los hermanos Elric llega a su épico final, en el que deben enfrentar una amenaza de otro mundo que afecta a todo el país.
Fullmetal Alchemist: La venganza de Cicatriz
Riza Hawkeye
Cuando una misteriosa figura comienza a apuntar a los Alquimistas del Estado por sus pecados contra Dios, el Alquimista Edward Elric y su hermano Alphonse se encuentran en su punto más vulnerable de sus vidas. Mientras, los homúnculos comienzan a revelarse una vez más.
Godai - The Wunderkind
Toyoko Godai
A biographical story of Tomoatsu Godai, the influential entrepreneur of the Meiji era who laid the foundation of the modern Japanese economy.
The Memory Eraser
Kyoko Sawada
Ryoichi Yoshimori is a university student. His girlfriend, Kyoko Sawada is a few years older but the pair don’t care as they are deeply in love. After Ryoichi proposes to Kyoko, she suddenly disappears. Several days later, Kyoko re-emerges but claims to have no memory of him. With the help of a classmate/lawyer Chiaki Takaharu and his childhood friend Maki Kawai, Ryoichi attempts to unravel the mystery that may be related to the rumours of a memory erasing individual known as Kiokuya.
That Moment, My Heart Cried
Chie (segment "Beautiful")
This project, a fusion of poetry, music, and movies, gives birth to a new style of filmmaking, through the work of five directors.
The Fox Dancing in the Dusk
Fullmetal Alchemist
Riza Hawkeye
El alquimista Edward Elric busca la manera de devolverle el cuerpo a su hermano Al. Pero tanto los militares como unos misteriosos monstruos le vigilan atentamente.
Side Job
Saori Yamazaki
Tras el desastre de Fukushima, los habitantes de la ciudad intentan sobrellevar la tragedia, viviendo unas vidas de supervivencia en todos los sentidos.
2030 Kanata no Kazoku
Itakura Emii
In Tokyo in the year 2030, 27-year-old Itakura Kakeru lives in a shared apartment. He is suddenly approached by Ogiwara Misae, his housemate three years his senior, about wanting his help to have a child. Kakeru has never even considered having a family before. But as he searches for an answer for Misae, he comes face to face with his parents, grandparents and younger sister who went their separate ways 15 years ago, and starts to consider what family is. And then, Kakeru gives more than a passing thought to the significance of being connected to someone.
The Emperor in August
In July 1945, during the end of World War II, Japan is forced to accept the Potsdam Declaration. A cabinet meeting has continued through days and nights, but a decision cannot be made. The U.S. drops atomic bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. General Korechika Anami is torn over making the proper decision and the Emperor of Japan worries about his people. Prime Minister Kantaro Suzuki leads the cabinet meeting, while Chief Secretary Hisatsune Sakomizu can't do anything, but watch the meeting. At this time, Major Kenji Hatanaka and other young commissioned officers, who are against Japan surrendering, move to occupy the palace and a radio broadcasting station. The radio station is set to broadcast Emperor Hirohito reading out the Imperial Rescript on the Termination of the War.
The Snow White Murder Case
Risako Kano
Yuji Akahoshi trabaja en un programa de televisión. Un día recibe una llamada de una amiga que le cuenta que una compañera de la empresa de cosméticos donde trabaja ha sido apuñalada hasta morir. Akahoshi pronto descubre que Miki Shirono, quien también trabajaba en la empresa de cosméticos, desapareció la misma noche que se produjo el asesinato. Akahoshi intenta aclarar el misterio tras Miki Shirono.
Neko zamurai (Samurai Cat)
Kyutaro (Kazuki Kitamura) es un espadachín que era temido por toda la gente. Ahora, él es pobre y vive sola y en silencio. Kyutaro no sabe cómo ganar dinero sin necesidad de utilizar su espada. Por casualidad, Sakichi (Shingo Mizusawa) pasa a ver la espada de Kyutaro y le ofrece contratarlo para un trabajo…matar un gato…
Eight Ranger
Set within the devastated city of Eight City, the Eight Rangers protect the city and go against the evil Dark Kuruseido.
Casting Blossoms to the Sky
In 2011, a journalist arrives in Nagaoka, a Japanese village that underwent destruction during both World War II and the 2004 Chūetsu earthquakes, and is now notable for the fireworks it launches annually in memory of the victims of war. She is there for two reasons: firstly, to learn about the experiences of Nagaoka's inhabitants, and secondly, to watch a stage play written by an enigmatic student of her ex-boyfriend, which depicts the bombing of the city during WWII.
The Tale of Genji: A Thousand Year Enigma
Fujiwara no Shoshi
"Genji Monogatari" focuses on the love and hate relationships surrounding Genji Hakaru. Lady Fujitsubo is Genji's first love. Ryokuzono Miyasutokoro is obsessed with Genji and eventually becomes a spirit. Yu Kao, who is from the lower class, give comfort to Genji's emotional wounds. Writer Murasaki Shikibu is jealous of Genji and is eventually ordered by Seime Abe to write a work ...
Hikari's boyfriend is one of those killed in the Akihabara massacre incident. Suffering from the shock of her loss and unable to accept this reality, she cuts herself off from the outside world. She eventually manages to muster enough courage to visit Akihabara, the scene of the incident. There, she encounters many people who are still coming to terms with the aftermath of the incident and are still suffering from the aftereffects.
Quirky Guys and Gals
Kaori Shiroyama
The movie consists of 4 stories each telling how people survive on life-death choice. The story titles are: Cheering Girls, Boy? meets girl., Claim Night! and The House Full Of 'Abandoned' Businessmen.
Llegaré A Ti
Chizuru Yoshida
Sawako (Tabe Mikako) tiene un aspecto sombrio y debido a eso es apodada: "Sadako" por sus compañeros de clases. Por otro lado, ella es una chica brillante y cuidadosa. Tiene un lema, "Hacer una acción buena una vez al día" por eso ella se preocupa demasiado por los demás y no puede expresar sus sentimientos. Mientras que Shota Kazehaya (Miura Haruma), compañero de clases de Sawako es extrovertido y popular entre todos los estudiantes y sobre todo por las chicas. Él incluso es amable con Sawako, esto hace que ella lo respete mucho y lo admire. Pero Kazehaya tiene sentimientos especiales por Sawako, pero no se da cuenta de la mirada y sentimientos de Sawako hacia él, entonces decide ocultar sus sentimientos. Con la ayuda de Kazehaya comienza a hacer amigos e incluso se hace amiga de Chizuru Yoshida y Ayane Yano. Con el tiempo viven muchas cosas juntos y se crea una hermosa amistad que luego se darán cuenta que entre ellos dos hay algo más que amistad.
Ritsuko Watanabe
Sae es una estudiante de secundaria que estudia mucho para sus exámenes de ingreso a la universidad. Perdió a su padre cuando era muy joven y por eso vive con su madre Ryoko en Hokkaido, Japón. Un día se encuentra con Kouhei, quien asiste a una pesquería docente especializada en la escuela secundaria. Él espera seguir los pasos de su padre y abuelo como pescador. Estos dos jóvenes se conocen y tienen una relación de larga distancia. Aunque su amor es fuerte, no dura. 10 años después, se reencuentran...
Shock Labyrinth
Un grupo de adolescentes se reencuentran con una amiga desaparecida hace una década. Cuando la chica cae inconsciente, la llevan al hospital, pero acabarán atrapados dentro de una laberíntica casa encantada. (FILMAFFINITY)
Good Bye, My Secret Friend
Misako / Misae
Based on Saibara Rieko's manga, Ike-chan to Boku (a.k.a. Good Bye My Secret Friend) tells the heartfelt story of a young boy named Toshio and his imaginary friend Ike-chan. Toshio's floating blob of a friend has two big eyes and a mouth, and changes colors and sizes depending on the mood. When Toshio is sad, she turns small. When Toshio makes friend with a girl, she turns bright red from anger. Ike-chan stays by Toshio's side as he grows older, but the day he finds his first love, Ike-chan disappears from his life. Child actor Fukasawa Arashi (Helen the Baby Fox) takes the leading role in this affecting fable about childhood, friendship, and growing up from director Ohoka Toshihiko. Popular actress Aoi Yu voices Ike-chan.
Major: The Ball of Friendship
Megumi Koga
Goro briefly returns to Japan after a triumphant campaign in the US. He is heading towards Fukuoka where he played baseball when he was a fifth grader. Having just moved into a new town, this is where Goro faced a critical point in his life.
Kyoko Nishikawa
Tomoki Sakai is your average junior-high student. Fascinated by the diving skills of Yōichi Fujitani, an elite athlete born into a family of former Olympic divers, Tomoki joins the Mizuki Diving Club (MDC) where Yōichi trains. However, the club is in the red, and its very survival is under question. Beautiful Kayoko Asaki has just returned from the US and joins the club as a new coach, with the mission to save MDC. Her goal is for the club to produce an athlete capable of competing in the Olympics. She brings in Shibuki Okitsu, a skillful diver with a wild streak from Tsugaru. Meanwhile, Kayoko discovers that Tomoki possesses a unique ability called "diamond eyes" and inspires him to begin serious training. Tomoki, Yōichi, and Shibuki have to overcome personal problems and struggle through conflicts and setbacks in the sport to achieve their dreams.
Switching - Goodbye Me
Kazumi Saito
After his parent's divorce, Kazuo Saito moves with his mother from Onomichi and must leave his girlfriend behind. At his new school, Kazuo is surprised to reunite with his childhood friend Kazumi. After talking about old times, they walk to a place from their childhood called the “Lonely Watering Place” but the two accidentally fall into the water. They quickly crawl out, but suddenly realize that they have switched bodies!
The Battery
Mayu Yajima
Because of his younger brother’s poor health, Takumi and his family move to a different Japanese town. There, Takumi, an incredibly gifted baseball pitcher, gradually alienates his relatives and friends by putting sports above all else in life.