Nicole Rondy


Le bagage ultime
After the death of his mother, during a stay in Morocco, the director takes again his own archive images in connection with the important moments of his life.
Spirit, Are You There?
In the mid-nineties, a young writer, victim of AIDS, wants to ensure from the beyond that his lover receives a camera with supernatural powers, hoping that this will revive his lover's will to live and connect with him.
Le caméscope
Upset by his friend's death, the film-maker, central character in this film, decides to get in touch with the hereafter by means of a camcorder. Thus begins an initiatory voyage that is both amusing and moving. The camcorder has the power to surprise people in their authenticity, to interfere in destinies, to give access to higher states of consciousness. Where does fiction begin and end?
Phillipe's Mother
EEUU /// El director siente un amor tan grande por Johan y lo echa tanto de menos mientras está en prisión que decide recrearlo en una película que es una búsqueda de su protagonista como un personaje mítico visto por todos los demás. Una película loca y setentera que explora desde una cierta soltura carnal los aspectos más sórdidos de un ambiente gay parisino donde se mezclan referentes estéticos que van de Fassbinder a Warhol pasando por ciertos disparates eróticos entre el sadomaso y el naïf.