Lydia Orange


Media Studies
Three students embark on their end of year Media Studies project unaware of the horrific and unspeakable fate that awaits them. What starts as a seemingly simple mystery soon turns into a claustrophobic and hellish nightmare.
Mad to Be Normal
'Mad To Be Normal' cuenta la historia del conocido psiquiatra escocés RD Laing y su peculiar comunidad en Kingsley Hall, al este de Londres, durante los años 60.
The Cutting Room
Raz, Charlie y Jess son 3 estudiantes universitarios que están a punto de empezar su proyecto final de curso en Media Studies. Desconocen que una fuerza malévola acecha su ciudad. Una reciente ola de aparentes casos de acoso cibernético y la desaparición de 2 niñas locales llevan al grupo a un cuartel del ejército abandonado en los bosques que rodean la universidad. Allí encuentran un laberinto de túneles aterrador del que no parece que haya salida ... y una oscura figura infernal que los atormentará.
The Days Inbetween
Four people whose lives have come to a standstill.
Antisocial Behaviour
Jakob Kelser is a lonely man living in a run-down house on the edge of a council estate. After enduring weeks of aggrevation and torment from local youths , Jacob, in a last-ditch attempt to once again lead a normal life, plots his revenge on his unsuspecting tormentors. One by one, they're be taught a lesson. One by one, they meet their deaths.
Elle & Naomi
An experimental narrative following a musician and a fan after a gig, presenting a portrait of loneliness, inhibitions and ambitions.