Roman Karmen

Nacimiento : 1906-11-29, Odessa, Russian Empire

Muerte : 1979-04-29


«Núremberg: una lección para el mundo de hoy»: historia de una película
Self - Filmmaker (archive footage)
En 1945, dos jóvenes soldados estadounidenses, los hermanos Budd y Stuart Schulberg, reciben el encargo de recopilar pruebas filmadas y grabadas de los horrores cometidos por el infame Tercer Reich para demostrar los crímenes de guerra nazis durante los juicios de Núremberg (1945-46). La historia de la realización de «Núremberg: una lección para el mundo de hoy», un documental histórico de primer orden, estrenado en 1948.
Grenada, Grenada, Grenada moya
Blazing Continent
Roman Karmen's documentary on the political turmoil of 1970s Latin America.
Blazing Continent
Roman Karmen's documentary on the political turmoil of 1970s Latin America.
Towarisch Berlin
Documentary about East Berlin.
Towarisch Berlin
Documentary about East Berlin.
Cinerama's Russian Adventure
Following an introduction by Bing Crosby, the Cinerama screen widens for scenes of landscapes, cities, peoples, and entertainments of the Soviet Union. Highlights include the historic buildings and churches of Moscow, as the Kremlin; its subway and streets, a spring carnival, the seaside resorts on the Black Sea, a trip down the Voga River, skiers, a troika racing along a snow-covered road, a helicopter view of the North Pole, an Antarctic whale hunt, the capture of a wild boar in the Moyun-Kum of Central Asia, a race by reindeer-drawn sleds, divers in the Sea of Okhotsk, battling an octopus, the capture of antelopes, rafting logs down the Tisza River, and the development of new towns in Siberia. Other scenes include a visit to the Moscow Circus, where the renowned clown Oleg Popov performs, the dancing of the Moiseyev and Piatnitsky companies, and excerpts from the repertoire of the Bolshoi Theater Ballet.
The Great Patriotic War
This communist history film recalls the heroism of Soviet soldiers fighting the Nazis in World War II. Forty of the 236 cameramen used for the feature were killed during their mission filming the Red Army.
The Great Patriotic War
This communist history film recalls the heroism of Soviet soldiers fighting the Nazis in World War II. Forty of the 236 cameramen used for the feature were killed during their mission filming the Red Army.
The Magic Beam
“The Magic Beam” is a film essay woven together from newsreels and documentary material from different decades, fragments of hundreds of non-fiction and fiction Soviet films of the 1910s-1960s.
Morir en Madrid
Archival Footage Coordinator
Morir en Madrid, reúne varios documentos sobre la Guerra Civil Española y los integra capturando diferentes puntos de vista, destinados a representar la continuidad del sufrimiento de los españoles durante el régimen de Franco. La muerte de Federico García Lorca, Guernica, la defensa de Madrid, las brigadas internacionales, son algunas de las referencias que componen este documento.
Guest from the Island of Freedom
A documentary about Fidel Castro's visit to the USSR from April 28 to June 3, 1963 and how the Cuban leader traveled throughout the Soviet Union for 40 days, from Severodvinsk to Khiva in Uzbekistan.
Vast is My Native Land
First feature motion picture photographed in Kinopanorama, the Soviet equivalent of Cinerama.
The Caspian Story
A story of the exploits carried out by the oil technicians of Baku for the exploitation of the black gold deposit of the Caspian Sea.
The Caspian Story
A story of the exploits carried out by the oil technicians of Baku for the exploitation of the black gold deposit of the Caspian Sea.
The Caspian Story
A story of the exploits carried out by the oil technicians of Baku for the exploitation of the black gold deposit of the Caspian Sea.
Nuremberg Trials
This riveting Russian documentary takes you inside the trials of the notorious German war criminals, brought to trial to account for their actions. The footage includes excerpts from the trials of many of the senior Nazis including Goebels and Goring.
Kinodokumenty o zverstvakh nemetsko-fashistskikh zakhvatchikov
Camera Operator
This Soviet-made film was screened on February 19, 1946 on the 62nd day of the Nuremberg Trial and submitted as evidence relevant to the indictment for "crimes against humanity." The one-hour film with voiceover commentary shows visual evidence of the extermination camps of Auschwitz and Majdanek and appeals to spectators' emotions by emphasizing individual victims. The central argument of the film is that the Germans were the executioners of peaceful Soviet citizens. At the time, it made a very strong impression on both the accused and press. The film is a re-edited compilation of footage collected by the Soviet film team over four years (primarily used for propagandistic ends in wartime Soviet newsreels and documentaries). It was prepared in emergency by the Soviet prosecution team and minister of cinema following the projection of Nazi Concentration Camps presented by the Americans on November 29, 1945.
Made by the highly influential Russian cameraman Roman Karmen, this documentary vividly features Albanian life immediately after the communists came to power in 1944. The film is especially memorable since it’s missing much of the heavy socialist realism that marked Albanian doc making. Shortly after he completed the film, Karmen set off for Berlin to shoot the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany.
Majdanek - Cemetery of Europe
Movie filmed directly after the liberation of the concentration camp at Majdanek.
One Day in Soviet Russia
In China
Directed by Roman Karmen and Mikhail Slutsky.
Наше кино
(archive footage)
A feature-length documentary based on film reports from the Spanish civil war.
Spain 1936
Camera Operator
Documental sobre la guerra civil española en sus primeros años.
K Sobytijam v Ispanii
Sobre los sucesos de España
Documental hecho por Roman Karmen