Ulrich Wildgruber
Nacimiento : 1937-11-18, Germany
Muerte : 1999-11-30
Ulrich Wildgruber (born November 18, 1937 in Bielefeld, † November 30, 1999 on Sylt) was a German actor.
The son of a bookbinding master from Bielefeld was inspired to become an actor since his schooldays and working in an amateur theater. He began his acting training in several stations with private acting teachers, which was interrupted again and again, and he had to fight through life with numerous jobs, but without losing sight of his goal. It was not until 1960 that he was accepted to study acting at the Max Reinhardt Seminar in Vienna, but he left because of controversy. He made his debut in 1963 at the Vienna Volkstheater in Bertolt Brecht's mother Courage and her children under the direction of Gustav Manker as Schweizererkas in a performance that broke the Brecht boycott in Austria.
Until 1972, when his collaboration with director Peter Zadek began until his death, Ulrich Wildgruber was engaged in theaters in Basel, Heidelberg, Oberhausen and Stuttgart. In 1971 he also briefly worked for the Berlin Schaubühne by Peter Stein.
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Vater Schatz
Austria, años treinta. En el campo aparece el cadáver degollado de un viejo terrateniente despótico y a su lado una anciana desconocida que, supuestamente, es la autora del crimen. Para sorpresa de todos, en su testamento el hacendado divide la herencia entre siete de sus jornaleros, al parecer, con el objetivo de que se enfrenten por la tierra.
Willi Sturzbach
Reverend Berger
Tres amigos cumplen el deseo del cuarto, agonizante, y le llevan a Heidelberg, donde se conocieron 45 años antes, con el fin de que vea a su antigua novia por última vez. Sin embargo, los habitantes de la ciudad no hablan de ella, debido a un secreto que se remonta a la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Joker (voice)
Francis es un simpático e inteligente gato que acaba de mudarse de casa. Sin embargo, al poco tiempo de llegar a su nuevo barrio, el nuevo inquilino descubre que se trata de un lugar sumamente peligroso: un enigmático asunto está acabando con todos los gatos del vecindario. Ni corto ni perezoso, con la inestimable ayuda de su nuevo amigo Barbazul, Francis se propondrá resolver el misterio antes de que él mismo se convierta en la próxima víctima. Pero no todos los gatos estarán dispuestos a ayudarle en su difícil y arriesgada tarea.
París, Reino de Francia, 18 de agosto de 1572. Con el propósito de evitar el estallido de una guerra religiosa, la princesa católica Margarita de Valois, hermana del débil rey Carlos IX, se casa con el rey hugonote Enrique III de Navarra.
Prinzenbad gives us a microcosm of a society dominated by male power plays, wheeling and dealing, corruption, love, and eroticism.
Graf Kerssenbrock
"King of the Last Days" is a German television miniseries in 1993 about the 16th century Anabaptist rebellion in Münster .
Otto Bauer
A run-down former radio producer persuades two quarrelsome 1950s stars to try their comeback on nationwide television...
Before Ernst Winckelmann, a sales representative for hair products, calls on hairdressing salons and chemist's shops, he rehearses what he intends to say, shakes the dandruff from his hair and slips into an innocuous pair of shoes. None of this helps. Winkelmann is no sales talent and his product is a failure. Meanwhile, in a small corner pub in the Barmbek district of Hamburg, Winkelmann's young girlfriend Aline uses some firm but gentle persuasion to make the last customer leave. Not much doing tonight. During the day, Rüdiger the barman, pulls most of the beers for the landlord, Aline's father, who survives on memories of good times at Miami Beach...
Boris Kaminsky
It is autumn. An area of villas in the outkirts of the city. A dilapidated villa in an overgrown garden. The three Schwarz sisters live there. They make life miserable for themselves by constantly harassing each other. They can't live together but they can't get away from each other. Their father has been dead for a long time, but his spirit is omnipresent.
One day a letter arrives and the uneventful lives of the sisters are thrown into confusion.
Richard Meisenkoten
Art critic Keller, a German ex-pat living in London, is confronted by his radical 1960s past when he's asked to assassinate a Chilean murderer who is on a visit to London.
After the essay "On Marionette theatre" by Heinrich von Kleist.
La historia empieza con la desaparición del "superchip". Éste ha pasado a poder de Peters, quien resulta invencible mientras lo posea. Peters es capaz de preparar cualquier tipo de juego para ordenadores, es el número uno. Más tarde, Peters desaparece; dos personas lo buscan, aunque por razones muy diferentes. Una de ellas, la Srta. Flanagan, es una profesora de alemán llegada de Estados Unidos, siempre dispuesta a ayudar a los demás. La otra es Kai Westerburg, el ayudante de Peters en el manejo de ordenadores. Ambos le buscan juntos a pesar de que no se gustan demasiado. De pronto, aparece una tercera persona que busca a Peters. Es un personaje misterioso que habla ruso y que no cree en absoluto en la cooperación, prefiere golpear duro. A partir de ese momento, la búsqueda se convierte en persecución y la tensión nerviosa en amor. Pero Peters no quiere verse perseguido, prefiere ser él quién persiga, por lo que los cazadores podrían ser cazados.
Abt Georg, Kaufmann Frickinger
This somewhat superficial historical drama is about the 1525 Peasants' War in Germany when the lower classes rebelled against oppressive conditions imposed by the clergy and nobility and then committed many acts (including atrocities) that did not morally set them far apart from the people they were fighting. It was a time of upheaval: Martin Luther (1483-1556) had broken away from the Catholic Church, calling for reform, and Anabaptists in Germany, like Thomas Munzer fought on the side of the peasants (opposed by Luther). This complex age and its political and religious turmoil are summed up in a story about an attack on a small monastery whose monks used a forged document to confiscate some land from the peasants. When their wrong-doing is revealed by the monk who forged the document in the first place, the peasants attack.
The aristocratic families of Rossitz and Warwand, who are relatives, have started to treat each other with mistrust and hatred, since a testamentary contract has stated, that the complete goods will be inherited to the respective surviving line. At the same time the young generation is in love, how can the tender ties between Agnes of Warwand and Ottokar of Rossitz be protected? Killed by their own fathers, they lie in their blood. A radical drama about the term "family". (www.filmgalerie451.de)
Curry Paul
Kommissar Murkser
Cuando se desata una plaga en Hamburgo, varias personas escapan de la cuarentena y salen de la ciudad... sólo para descubrir que la plaga está más extendida.
Eilert Lövborg
Oswald Kronen
Cuenta la historia del autor noruego Knut Hamsun, ganador del premio Nobel de literatura y conocido por haber colaborado con el régimen nazi.