Irune Gurtubai


Una observación poco convencional de los refugiados que esperan ser asilados en una remota isla escocesa ficticia. Se centra en Omar, un joven músico sirio que está agobiado por el peso del oud de su abuelo, que ha llevado desde su tierra natal.
Incapaces de volar del nido por la crisis económica que castiga a España, una joven pareja sin recursos tiene problemas para consumar su recién empezada relación en casa de sus padres. A medida que su desesperación por hacer el amor crece, y sin dinero para poder pagarse un hotel, se ven forzados a buscar lugares públicos usados por jóvenes para encuentros sexuales, popularmente conocidos como picaderos. Pero las cosas nunca son tan fáciles como parecen, y su relación es puesta a prueba a medida que intentan liberarse de las cadenas de una economía que se desmorona.
Patata Tortilla
A short film teaser for the feature film Pikadero. Ane and Gorka travel to a sex hotel in the mountains in order to consummate their relationship. However, things are never as easy as they seem and they end up questioning the meaning of their fledgling relationship.
If Samuel Beckett had lived in Scotland and made a great film, it would be this: a lucid, sometimes funny, and profoundly compassionate study of extreme old age, death, grief and loneliness. These facts of life are revealed in an act of virtuoso film-making that is dedicated, laconic and ultimately - impossible as it may seem - uplifting. A unique experience, this is a very significant and totally original film that will test, and reward any audience. The challenge is to spend time with lonely old people and Dolak is unflinching. He handles words, sounds and image with extreme care. His film is composed of long takes that juxtapose a daily routine alongside the expansive and empty landscapes of the north east, and both shot in exquisitely beautiful monochrome. Everything seems settled and inevitable until the film makes a completely unexpected move into another realm and intimates a further reach of the imagination.