Maurice Delattre


It's a Cruel World!
Director of Photography
Mr Van Peborgh, an "artiste photographe", remained alone with his three sons Henri, Frans and Louis after the death of his wife.The household is done by the maid Beth while the graceful girl Marie helps him in the store.The eldest son Henri is engaged to Hortense and thinks he's getting married soon.Louis wants to leave for America. The big engagement party on which the whole family is present starts without worry but ends up in a disaster because "It's cruel in the world".
Peasant Symphony
Director of Photography
From 1942 to 1944, Henri Storck composed his Symphonie paysanne, in which he describes the day to day life and rituals of the farmers on the rhythm of the seasons. The film is a poem to nature, a lyrical masterpiece on life and death, on animals and plants, on man and his labour.
Peasant Symphony
From 1942 to 1944, Henri Storck composed his Symphonie paysanne, in which he describes the day to day life and rituals of the farmers on the rhythm of the seasons. The film is a poem to nature, a lyrical masterpiece on life and death, on animals and plants, on man and his labour.
Precious Fools
Director of Photography
Being a tramp is not always a disadvantage. For example when there is a masquerade ball. Indeed wearing flea-ridden rags might just mean having donned a costume. This is what happens to two resourceful Brussels bums, La Cloche and Picolard, who manage to gain entry in a fancy-dress ball. Once there, La Cloche is mistaken by an oriental prince for a respected doctor. His mission will be to give care to a music-hall diva. Even more exciting, he is asked to vaccinate a whole troupe of showgirls. Trouble guaranteed.
Le champion de ces dames
Director of Photography
Curvas Peligrosas
Esta romántica película de gángsters cuenta la historia de Henri Pasquier (Pierre Mingand), lenguaraz y seductor, hijo mimado y caprichoso de un brillante médico. Cuando su padre decide dejar de mantenerle para que encuentre por él mismo el camino del éxito, Henri entrará en la espiral de la delincuencia. Por no faltar a una cita importante, roba un vehículo y es perseguido por una banda de ladrones de coches. Entabla amistad con Jean-la-Cravate (Raymond Galle), miembro de la banda, y acaba por convertirse en uno de sus cabecillas. Se enamora de Jeannette (Danielle Darrieux), hermana y cómplice de Jean. Pero su deseo de dejar la organización pondrá a ambos en peligro... Rodada en Francia y en francés, "Curvas peligrosas" (Mauvaise Graine) es el primer largometraje de Billy Wilder.