A university research scientist, about to lose funding and status, has a lab accident and discovers he can see people's true intentions -- making his situation even worse.
Mrs. Ashmore
Un limpiapiscinas y un jardinero convierten una lujosa mansión vacía en un hogar para las mujeres que pertenecen a la profesión más antigua del mundo.
When two young couples, Lisa and Ryan and Jack and Cindy head for the hills for an intimate weekend at a remote country house, things are looking steamy. Unfortunately, while three of them are looking for carnal fun, Ryan is more interested in writing his new book. But the fireworks ignite when the irresistible force of passion confronts the barrier of Ryan's inhibitions. Soon relationships are tested beyond the breaking point and sometimes, the quiet conservative types pack the biggest surprises.
Ms. Gardner
An ex-con seeks revenge on an ex-business partner and family by sending in his own specially trained female administrator but all of them may have bitten off more than they can chew when she gets ambitions of her own.
Brunette Vampire
Drácula abandona su viejo castillo de Transilvania y se traslada a Londres en busca de sangre fresca. Su apetito se despertará cuando conozca a la prometida y a la hermana de un notario.
Various husbands, wives, friends, and lovers pair off in a study of sexual dysfunction. A frustrated construction worker turns to phone sex when his wife can't satisfy him; a topless dancer submits to the alluring mind games.
(as Darla Slavens)
A pair of serial killers travel the Southwest, committing murders along the way. However, their crimes come back to haunt them as they pass through the desert on an Indian reservation when they begin to see what they think are the ghosts of their victims.
Plain White Rapper
Nukemama Corporation reabre sus instalaciones y construye una nueva universidad. Allí los experimentos de la profesara Hold con el genoma humano dan lugar a la creación de los subhumanoides, una raza mutante al servicio del hombre, pero el experimento no sale tan bien como lo esperado.
When a snowboard instructor uncovers clues to a high stakes robbery, he finds himself in a high speed gun fight with his life on the line. He realizes he is the one pinned for murder and must hunt down the real killer and survive a dangerous glacier.
Woman with Groceries
A rich woman becomes paranoid after losing her daughter to a so-called Kabuki Killer.