Gerald Perry Finnerman

Nacimiento : 1931-12-17, Los Angeles, California, USA

Muerte : 2011-04-06


Hunters Are for Killing
Director of Photography
A man comes home after serving time in prison to claim his share of his deceased mother's estate. However, his stepfather, who holds him responsible for his own son's death, intends to fight him for everything.
Director of Photography
Película dividida en 4 historias... 1) Terror en Topanga: Una mujer sale de su casa por la noche para comprar cigarrillos, sabiendo que fuera hay un peligroso asesino. 2) El Amo de la Batalla: Un joven se obsesiona hasta tal punto con un videojuego, llamado El Amo de la Batalla, que una noche llega a forzar la puerta del local de juegos, para conseguir llegar al Nivel 13. 3) La Bendición: Un cura, que pierde la fe y abandona el sacerdocio, se ve perseguido por una misteriosa camioneta negra. 4) La Noche de la Rata: Para librarse de una rata, una familia pone una trampa y la atrapa, pero el problema sólo empeorará.
El loco mundo de Jerry
Director of Photography
Warren Nefron es un individuo bastante inseguro, que no encuentra más salida a su triste existencia que el suicido. Un extraño psiquiatra intentará curarle de esta fijación con la muerte.
Dangerous Company
The true story of Ray Johnson, a convict who spent most of his life in and out of prison until he finally decided to turn his life around.
The Ordeal of Bill Carney
Director of Photography
Bill Carney has just been paralyzed from the neck down. He has been taking care of his two sons since his wife left him. Now, when word of his condition reaches her, she wants to take them away, as she feels that he is unable to care for them. And it appears that the courts agree too. So, his lawyer, also a paraplegic, begins the campaign to take his case before the Supreme Court. Will he win?
Farewell to the Planet of the Apes
Director of Photography
When the astronauts Burke and Virdon, with their chimp companion Galen, are captured in a fishing village that employs human slave labor, they must prove their worth as fishermen or be sacrificed to the 'gods of the sea,' or what the men call sharks. Escaping from the forced labor camp, the trio become involved in a plot to develop a glider to drop a fragmentation bomb on the gorilla council. [The fifth of five telefilms edited from episodes of the 1974 TV series; this film combines the episodes "Tomorrow's Tide" and "Up Above the World So High"]
Back to the Planet of the Apes
Director of Photography
Astronauts Pete Burke and Allan Virdon crash on Earth in the far future and are captured by the apes. The men befriend a chimp named Galen who helps them to escape. In the hopes of finding a way to get back to their own time, the astronauts search for a computer in an eathquake-threatened city, with which they will be able to access their flight records. [The first of five telefilms edited from episodes of the 1974 TV series; this film combines the episodes "Escape from Tomorrow" and "The Trap"]
To Find My Son
Director of Photography
A young man wishes to adopt a problematical eight-year-old boy being kept in an institution. Simply because he is single, he has an uphill battle with the government bureaucracy, and particularly with a power-hungry administrator. After many delays, they deny his application. Then, he finds a way to turn the tables on them for the boy's own good.
La leyenda del revolver de oro
Director of Photography
Un joven agricultor y un equipo esclavo fugitivo hasta localizar el legendario guerrillero confederado William Quantrill. En el camino, se encuentran con el legendario pistolero, un joven granjero que enseñó a disparar y le da un arma especial que dispara la ronda siete, séptimo, que debe utilizar para luchar contra el mal.
El perro del infierno
Director of Photography
Una tranquila familia de un suburbio ve cómo parte de sus amigos y vecinos son encontrados asesinados de manera brutal. Poco sospechan que su perro ha sido poseído por una fuerza maléfica que le induce a cometer tan terroríficos ataques.
Ziegfeld: The Man and His Women
Director of Photography
Four women intimate with the showman tell his life story.
Go West, Young Girl
Director of Photography
A lighthearted Western about a peppery New England lady who goes west to seek her fortune by writing about her experiences, and the attractive widow of a cavalry officer, both of whom go in search of Billy the Kid, teaming up to outwit gamblers, bounty hunters, and rough-and-tumble lawmen.
An U.S. Army colonel leads a crack group of secret agents operating behind enemy lines in occupied France during World War II.
Kill Me If You Can
Director of Photography
The story of Caryl Chessman, a convicted California rapist who spent 12 years on death row before finally being executed.
Corey: For the People
Director of Photography
A wealthy socialite is accused of killing her husband. She claims self-defense as a battered wife, and the district attorney plans to go along with that. However, an assistant district attorney files capital murder charges against her, as he believes she's not quite the innocent, abused wife she portrays herself to be. This was a pilot film for a proposed series that did not get picked up.
In the Glitter Palace
Director of Photography
The ex-girlfriend of a laywer, who left him for a lesbian lover, asks him to defend her lover in a murder case.
Welcome to Arrow Beach
Director of Photography
A hippie girl wandering on a California beach is taken in by a Korean War veteran who lives in a nearby mansion with his sister. The girl soon begins to suspect that the mansion is home to some very strange goings-on.
Sssssss: Silbido de muerte
Director of Photography
David, un estudiante, busca trabajo. Es contratado por el Dr. Stoner como asistente de laboratorio para sus experimentos e investigaciones. David, además, empieza a enamorarse de la hija del doctor. Lo que no sabe el joven es que el científico ha descubierto un brebaje que puede transformar a cualquier hombre en una serpiente y planea usarlo en su ayudante.
See the Man Run
Kidnappers making a ransom demand dial a wrong number and reach a struggling actor instead. He decides to cut himself in for some of the money.
Genesis II
A scientist who has been preserved in suspended animation wakes up to find himself in a primitive society in the future.
Como el viento
Director of Photography
Un hombre viaja para asistir al funeral de su hermana. Algunos sospechan que se trata de un agitador sindical; en realidad, es tan sólo un ángel venido del cielo.
Los forajidos de Río Bravo
Un sanguinario jefe de bandoleros mata a los habitantes de un poblado para apoderarse de un valioso cargamento de fusiles y varias sacas de plata. Con las armas pretenden adueñarse de una barcaza para cruzar el río en dirección a México; lo que no se esperan es que uno de los pasajeros es un hombre muy curtido que no está dispuesto a consentir que ningún forajido se cruce en su camino.
Ahora me llaman Señor Tibbs
Director of Photography
Tibbs, un inspector de policía negro, se encarga de la investigación de un asesinato en el que el principal sospechoso es un amigo suyo. Cuando la Comisaría da por zanjado el asunto, él decide seguir indagando por su cuenta.
The Lost Man
Director of Photography
A gang of black militants plots to rob a factory to finance their "revolutionary struggle."
The Sunshine Patriot
Director of Photography
An American spy tries desperately to get out from behind the Iron Curtain with some crucial microfilm with the Communist security police close on his heels.
Apartamento para tres
Camera Operator
El industrial inglés Sir William Rutland (Cary Grant) vuela a Tokio en viaje de negocios, pero, debido la masiva afluencia de turistas con motivo de los Juegos Olímpicos, le resulta imposible encontrar alojamiento; así que se las apaña para compartir apartamento durante unos días con Christine Easton (Samantha Eggar). Rutland invita a Steve Davis, miembro del equipo olímpico de Estados Unidos, a instalarse con ellos. La situación se complica, sobre todo, porque Rutland decide jugar a Cupido entre Christine y Steve, para disgusto del pesado novio de Christine.