Rose Rimmer


Cut Bank
Dwayne McClaren, un mecánico que fue un gran atleta en el instituto, sueña con irse de Cut Bank (Montana), la ciudad más fría de los Estados Unidos, y mudarse a la gran ciudad con su novia Cassandra, que quiere ser modelo. Pero tendrá que aplazar sus planes al verse involucrado en una investigación policial dirigida por el Sheriff Vogel, que es para Dwayne lo más parecido a un padre.
Truckstop Bloodsuckers
Key Hair Stylist
Little Hope All-Night Diner is just your regular truck stop in the average small prairie town. Good coffee, apple pie, blue plate specials and a high turnover of kitchen staff who are never seen again.
Freezer Burn: The Invasion of Laxdale
Key Hair Stylist
Disguised as executives from a Dutch Oil Company, Aliens from outer space buy a local farming company and promise to create jobs for the failing farming town. Their goal is to use crop circles to heat up the temperature of the earth and eventually turn the entire planet into a Club-Med for extra-terrestrials.
Decoys 2
Key Hair Stylist
En esta secuela de "Decoys", regresamos al colegio de Northeastern en la ciudad de Strathmore, donde Luke Callahan trabaja ahora como ayudante del profesor de biología. Todavía está traumatizado por la terrible muerte de su compañero de clase Roger. Está convencido de que los aliens en forma de impresionantes chicas, responsables de la muerte de su amigo, van a volver a Strathmore para realizar otra sesión de acoplamiento mortal. Se organiza entonces un concurso entre los estudiantes para ver quién consigue una cita con la chica más guapa del campus. No podían haber elegido mejor momento las chicas aliens para regresar a Strathmore... Luke tendrá en su mano evitar que esta vez las impresionantes aliens consigan su propósito.
For the Love of a Child
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1959, support from US troops based in Asia and later from the Sates enables two actresses to start a charity for mixed-race 'orphans' who are locally neglected as outcasts. Thus originates Childhelp, which later runs multi-disciplinary centers for abused and/or neglected children in the States. Among them is bright Jacob Fletcher, whose stepfather, a lawyer, terrorized him into utter trauma and reclaims him shortly after 10 months in jail. Jacob's peers have distressing stories of their own, but competent, devoted staff helps most of them decisively on the former farm, using animal therapy.
Bye Bye Blues
Story about a WWII wife & mother who joins a local dance band to provide for family while husband at war. Romantic involvement with one of the band members make her decisions difficult when husband returns from war. Story watches the progression of the band as it grows into a popular, successful recording and touring group. Excellent music and soundtrack.