Gervaise Demeure


Icare, ou la mesure des choses
Sound Editor
Political film essay in which events happening around the Mediterranean Sea are compared to the myth of Icarus.
De Buttek
Sound Editor
Like every year, André, manager of a company named ALTER NATIVE that furnishes sanitary article, invites his seven employees to a quietly festive Christmas weekend. Yet, unlike the years before, André has bad news. He is terminally ill and wants to hand over his company to one of them. He will announce his successor in the course of the weekend. His collaborators immediately turn into competitors. When his own son, Philippe, whom nobody knew about, makes a sudden appearance, cards are redistributed, but suspicion quickly arises that André plays a deceptive game. While his employees, in a crazy race behind the back of the others, try to make their mark, Philippe tries to understand the obscure game his father is playing. And what role does the hotel owner play in all this? Jingle bells? Jingle bells!
Las hormigas rojas
Sound Editor
Alex, de 16 años, vive con su padre Frank en un pueblo aislado en los bosques de las Ardenas. Obligada a ayudarle después de la trágica muerte de su madre, Alex siente que está creciendo demasiado deprisa para su edad. Mientras Frank intenta superar la apatía en la que está sumido desde la muerte de su mujer, Alex reaviva involuntariamente el dolor de su padre. Ambos acaban sumergiéndose en un mundo ambiguo con una frágil frontera entre la ternura y el deseo. El encuentro inesperado con Hector, un huérfano de 22 años cuya tía hace todo lo posible para que no madure, abrirá los ojos de la joven respecto a la relación que tiene con su padre...
Ostende 1930
Film edited and directed by Luc de Heusch using images never used that Henri Storck turned in Ostend in 1930 while he was "cinégraphiste" of the city.