Janet Elisa Giron


Mga Batang Yagit
The four children find each other after Elisa and her mother, were thrown out of the house by the evil mother-in-law. Left to fend for themselves, they end up living with the mother’s friend, a bar girl, in an informal settlement.
Bukas Luluhod Ang Mga Tala
Rebecca is born to a poor family, a young woman whose life is defined by poverty and deprivation. But of the many things she has to endure, it is the insults that other people hurl that hurt the most. Yet despite of everything, Rebecca remains ambitious and unabashed. She pledges to herself that she will one day raise herself and her family from poverty and when that time comes, she will get back at those who had oppressed them.
My Funny Valentine
Throw Away Child
Throw Away Child is a 1982 Tagalog-language Drama movie written and directed by Arsenio Bautista.