Marques D'Arede

Marques D'Arede

Nacimiento : 1949-01-07, Macieira, Portugal


Marques D'Arede
Marques D'Arede


O Coração Revelador
A man takes care of another man. One is young, the other is old. The young man is mad, the old man is a victim. When evil lives inside of you, the whole world won’t let you sleep.
Upside Down
Dono do Stand
As thousands in Lisbon march against austerity measures, jobless and lonely Susana joins the protest but can't escape from her solitude. Meanwhile, listless Jorge lives with his mom and has insomnia. Susana and Jorge turn on their computers at night and let their secret lives unfold.
Mr. Lage
Shaken by a divorce in the 1920s, Portuguese poetess Florbela Espanca uses her writing to deal with her tumultuous relationship with men, eroticism and love.
La balsa de piedra
Portugese President
Como consecuencia de un cataclismo que ningún sismógrafo ha podido registrar, se abre una brecha entre la frontera de España y Francia y la Península Ibérica va flotando a la deriva en el Océano Atlántico. Ahora es una verdadera balsa de piedra. El impacto en la escena geopolítica es inmenso cuando los poderes Norteamericanos ven la posibilidad de adquirir la nueva extensión de tierra con sus pobladores que se ha desprendido de Europa. Solo el Peñón de Gibraltar permanece en su lugar. Los españoles y portugueses sacados abruptamente de su rutina diaria, abandonan sus casas para escapar de los amenazadores peligros de la costa y van incesantemente vagabundeando por los caminos del interior. Y todavía se desorientan mas cuando la balsa empieza a girar sobre su eje de tal modo que el sol amanece por lo que era el Oeste. (FILMAFFINITY)
Jogo da Glória
Rui, A teenage boy works in his father shop and has an old brother that is a policeman. His father is about to close the shop, because of money issues, and Rui needs to get money for him and also to help his father. By the hand of a friend he enters in the criminal world to make money.
Palabra y utopía
Siglo XVII. El padre jesuita Antonio Vieira es obligado a comparecer ante el Tribunal del Santo Oficio en Coimbra. Una serie de intrigas a sus espaldas le han colocado en una situación complicada tras la muerte de su amigo, el rey Joao IV. Ante los jueces hará un repaso de su vida, empezando por su juventud en Brasil y su papel como adalid de los indios nativos.
En el siglo pasado, una joven campesina, Bernadette, se despierta y se siente atraída hacia una cueva. En la actualidad, Bernard Guillaumet es un joven fotógrefo que está haciendo fotografías en Lourdes. Cuando vuelve a su casa, ve que Natalie, su mujer, le ha dejado un paquete. Lo abre y ve que es un viejo manuscrito, titulado Lourdes, de su viejo bisabuelo, Henri Guillaumet, el cual conoció a Bernadette. Bernard ya conocía ese manuscrito, por su padre, pero nunca lo había leído porque él no cree en esas cosas. Cuando Bernard va a revelar las fotos ve que no hay nada. A Natalie le dan dolores de vientre. Resulta que está embarazada de dos meses y puede abortar. Bernard comienza a leer el manuscrito, que resulta ser el diario de Henri, en el que se relata el encuentro con Bernadette. Bernard decide volver a Lourdes porque su jefe le está presionando, y deja a Natalie en el hospital.
The Eyes of Asia
Giovanni Adami
Nakaura of Julian (Julião Nakaura), a priest of the Society of Jesus, was one of four young ambassadors sent to Rome by the Jesuits in 1538, as proof that Japan had converted to Christianity. Fifty years after the mission, which so fascinated European royalty, Julian was forced again to prove his faith, only this time before a Shogun, who wanted to force him to abandon his religion. Julian resists, as does Miguel Chijiwa, a fellow at the embassy to Rome, who become a martyr. Betrayed by Cristóvão Ferreira, who cannot bear the torture, Julian suffers an inglorious death ... or maybe not.
El valle de Abraham
Priest #1
Ema es una mujer de una belleza desafiante, y no sólo para Carlos, su marido, con quien se casó sin amor. Su gusto por el lujo y lo refinado, las ilusiones que tiene por la vida, el deseo que inspira a los hombres... todo ello le hace valedora del sobrenombre "La pequeña Bavary".
A Força do Atrito
Portugal 1997. A nuclear accident left the the country without energy and divided between zones, some of them interdicted because of the contamination. The economic crisis is dramatic and unemployment is almost total.
Solo de Violino
Barbosa de Magalhães
Adelaide Coelho da Cunha, daughter of the founder of the newspaper "Diário de Notícias", married to Alfredo da Cunha, then director of this newspaper, and mother of José, who is 20. This educated, cultured woman, falls in love with the chauffeur, who is youger than her and from a different social background. This passion leads to confronting the established order of things and the standards of social behaviour of a wife and mother. She may at the same time be heroine and victim of her own courage in deciding to make a final break from the whole family status and run off with the chauffeur. When his wife runs off with the chauffeur, Alfredo da Cunha with the aid of some of the eminent doctors of the day, has her declared irresponsible and incapable of administering her assets, and on this pretext he has her inprisoned in a mental hospital.
President's Target
The lone survivor of a deadly ambush against him and his team, a narcotics agent swears to avenge the deaths of his friends and fellow officers.
The Beggars
This symbolic drama from director Benoit Jacques underscores the characters' human need for affection. Children steal lemons for the thrill, while women steal other women's men from them just to prove they can. Drug smuggling, clandestine love affairs, and two lovers involved with the production of Shakespeare's Othello carry on with their own off-stage tragedy.
A Borboleta na Gaiola
"The Butterfly in the Cage" is a novel by Luís Filipe Costa adapted to film by the author, it follows the daily lives of several people connected to newspapers, television, film and theater in Lisbon, in the days leading up to the revolution of 25 April 1974.
Treasure Island
Jim is a small child who lives in an inn run by his parents. The arrival of a strange captain to the Island they live will trouble his existence and tip him into an universe of adventures.
The Satin Slipper
During the century of the Spanish Gold, Doña Prouhèze, wife of a nobleman, deeply loves Don Rodrigo, who is forced to leave Spain and go to America. Meanwhile Prouhèze is sent to Africa to rule the city of Mogador. Ten years later Rodrigo leaves America and travels to Africa in search of Prouhèze to find out that she died and eventually meeting her daughter.
The Encounter
An engineer falls in love with a girl from a village. A battle between progress and tradition.