Emmanuel Macron

Emmanuel Macron

Nacimiento : 1977-12-21, Amiens, France


Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron (born 21 December 1977) is a French politician who has been serving as the president of France since 14 May 2017.


Emmanuel Macron
Emmanuel Macron
Emmanuel Macron
Emmanuel Macron


Emmanuel Macron sans filtre
Self - Interviewee
Le Papotin interviews French president Emmanuel Macron.
Macron, Pécresse : Coulisses d'une campagne
A look behind the scenes of this 2022 presidential campaign. Between the secrets and all the information that escaped the general public, the behind-the-scenes campaign of Valérie Pécresse and Emmanuel Macron allow us to understand all the issues of this election and to discover these candidates.
Cent jours
From the first minutes after his inauguration, the newly elected president wants to translate his promises and his campaign project into action. "Change is now", "Change life", "Together everything becomes possible": all campaign slogans promising a break with the past, a change. The first few months were decisive: it was a matter of making a mark, asserting one's style, imposing one's authority and taking the first measures, those that would make a mark on public opinion and set the first lines of the political narrative in history. From 1959 to 2017, the eight successive presidents have acted without delay. Thanks to the many witnesses and actors of these first hundred days, the film retraces the stakes and decisive moments that marked the beginning of each mandate.
Arde Notre Dame
Self (archive footage)
La película recrea el incendio que sufrió la Catedral de Notre-Dame de París en abril de 2019. El virulento incendio provocó que su emblemática aguja, construida entre los siglos XII y XIV, y el tejado de la catedral gótica de la capital francesa colapsaran y tan solo una hora después de declararse el incendio se derrumbaran. La primera piedra de la catedral se colocó en 1163 y desde que terminó su construcción Notre Dame ha sido símbolo del catolicismo, del skyline parisino y uno de los monumentos más visitados del mundo con alrededor de 13 millones de visitantes al año.
De Charles de Gaulle à Emmanuel Macron, les gardiens de l'empire
Self (archive footage)
Vaccine Diplomacy
Self (archive footage)
In March 2020, the world shuts down. Billions of people were confined to their homes by a virus. As it became clear that only a vaccine could stop the pandemic, a race began between the four great powers: the USA, Europe, Russia and China. The first to develop a vaccine would gain a significant advantage in global geopolitics.
The Savior for Sale
Self - Politician (archive footage)
In November 15, 2017, the painting Salvator Mundi, attributed to Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), was sold for an unprecedented $450 million. An examination of the dirty secrets of the art world and the surprising story of how a work of art is capable of upsetting both personal and geopolitical interests.
The Arc de Triomphe: A Nation's Passion
Self (archive footage)
The pride of Napoleon's victories, the Arc de Triomphe, whose first stone was laid in 1806 at the top of the Champs-Élysées, is, along with the Eiffel Tower, one of the most visited monuments in the French capital. Wanted by an emperor, inaugurated under the reign of a king (Louis-Philippe) and sanctuarized by the Republic, this patriotic temple polarizes the passions of a whole nation. A historical portrait before "packaging", which teems with anecdotes and unsuspected details.
Hommage national à Jean-Paul Belmondo
Self - Guest
A ceremony celebrated in the courtyard of the Invalides, in the presence of the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron, members of the Government, the actor's family and many personalities from entertainment and sport.
París, hoy. France de Meurs es una periodista estrella que corre entre un televisor, una guerra lejana y el ajetreo y el bullicio de su ajetreada vida familiar. Su mundo frenético de alto perfil se vuelve repentinamente patas arriba después de un accidente de tráfico en el que hiere a un peatón. Esta irrupción inesperada de la realidad pone todo en cuestión. Mientras Francia intenta desacelerar y retirarse a una vida anónima simple, su fama continúa persiguiéndola hasta que una historia de amor desconcertada parece poner fin a su búsqueda.
Dead Again
UN VIRUS ESTÁ SUELTO. En una aldea rural donde el crimen no existe, un sargento de policía se retira por aburrimiento. Le envían un joven recluta recién salido de la escuela de policía. Todo el infierno está a punto de desatarse en esta película de terror apocalíptica.
Entretien politique : Histoire et mode d'emploi
Self (archive footage)
Todos vigilados: siete mil millones de sospechosos
Self - Politician (archive footage)
Con el pretexto de luchar contra el terrorismo o la delincuencia, las grandes potencias se han embarcado en una peligrosa carrera de tecnologías de vigilancia. Cámaras de reconocimiento facial, detectores de emociones, sistemas de calificación ciudadana, drones autónomos… Una obsesión por la seguridad que en algunos países está dando lugar a una nueva forma de régimen político: el totalitarismo numérico. La pesadilla de Orwell.
Un peu, beaucoup, passionnément... Les Présidents et les Français
Self (archive footage)
D-Day 75: A Tribute to Heroes
Live from Southsea Common in Portsmouth, Huw Edwards introduces coverage of the National Commemorative Event taking place to mark the 75th anniversary of D-Day.
What Is a Good Tax?
Too high, misused, unfair... a large part of the French and Europeans criticize taxes. From tax-rascal to tax revolt, the movement of yellow vests in France has returned to the center of attention the question of consent to tax. How to explain a different resistance to taxes from one country to another without tax pressure being an explanation? Is there a "good" tax? Jean Quatremer takes us on a journey to the tax center across Europe, to meet those who pay it, those who decide it, those who study it... or those who allow to avoid it.
Vikings vs. Wolves - The Battle of Finance
The world of finance is at a crossroad. It is short-term traders versus long-term investors. Greed versus responsibility. Artificial intelligence versus human minds. For decades, the financial industry has been dominated by "wolves" seeking short-term personal gains.
France Algérie : une affaire de famille
More than half a century after independence, the Algerian question remains a taboo subject in France and arouses passions. Whatever the words, whatever the decisions, there will always be a side that feels aggrieved. Why does time fail to cure resentment? From the signing of the Evian agreements in 1962 to the skid of the candidate Macron, who was in February 2017 in opposition to the "Pieds Noirs" community for comparing the colonization of Algeria to a crime against humanity. The story is told through the experiences of exiles, activists, former soldiers and politicians, all involved in the events.
Don't Work (1968-2018)
Himself (archive footage)
A year in the life of Elsa Michaud and Gabriel Gauthier, students of Fine Arts in Paris, lovers in troubled times, overwhelmed by maddening verbal and auditory stimuli, witnesses of a globalized violence more visible than ever in a chaotic digital era, in which the slow execution of simple gestures in a silent performance is an act of resistance.
On the Road in France
Fifty years after the events of May 68, Dany Cohn-Bendit and Romain Goupil have decided to start a journey across France. In this "road movie" they explore the territories - at times bewildering - of the Republic. Observing, listening, debating, discovering the state of the country. Its crises and its hopes. Its ordinary heroes, its gravediggers, its innovators...ON THE ROAD IN FRANCE or the tour and detours in France of two old children of 68.
Macron président, la fin de l'innocence
Emmanuel Macron
Macron à l'Elysée, le casse du siècle
Emmanuel Macron
Emmanuel Macron, le dynamiteur
Emmanuel Macron
LCI broadcasted, Thursday, April 12, 2018 at 22:30, an investigation by David Doukhan on the accession of Emmanuel Macron to power. From the preparation of his arrival at the Elysée to the way he attached himself the services of a part of the right, after drying out the left.
On a 20 ans pour changer le monde
Cataluña: España al borde de una crisis nerviosa
Himself - Politician (archive footage)
A serious crisis has shaken Spain since the referendum on self-determination and the proclamation of the independence of Catalonia by the government of Carles Puigdemont, bold actions firmly fought by the Spanish government by applying the constitutional article that allows it to place a region under guardianship. While Spain is on the verge of implosion, Europe is holding its breath.
François Hollande, le mal-aimé
Self (archive footage)
En marche vers l'Elysée
Emmanuel Macron
Emmanuel Macron: Behind the Rise
Emmanuel Macron
Deputy General Secretary at the Elysée to candidate for the presidency of the Republic, the novice in politics went from the shadows to the light in a very short time. For 200 days, our cameras followed him behind the scenes of his campaign and his exceptional ascent. For eight months we were the only ones allowed to follow the candidate Emmanuel Macron with our camera behind the scenes of this exceptional campaign. From the announcement of his candidature until his election on May 7, we propose you an exclusive documentary allowing you to live from inside the campaign of Emmanuel Macron in the manner of a political thriller.
Ainsi soit Macron
Emmanuel Macron
The meteoric path of Emmanuel Macron made him pass in three years of almost anonymity to the presidency of the Republic. Yet, even though the media have followed him every day during his campaign, no one really knows him. Politics has spoken, progressive, social and liberal at the same time, but man remains an enigma. Behind the official story-telling, what is the true personality of the one who is going to lead France? What are its strengths, its weaknesses? Thanks to unpublished images and exclusive testimonials, including that of his wife Brigitte, this film tells the pivotal moments of the new President's career and reveals the deep motivations that animate him. Investigation of a meteor become President.
Lui même
Dans la tête d'Emmanuel Macron
Emmanuel Macron
À l'Élysée, un temps de président
As Himself
D-Day Veterans Return to Normandy - 75 Years Later
This documentary will not only revere those heroes — some from a different land who gave their lives — but to remember those who were lucky enough to live through it all. It also is to honor those French residents of the first generation, who lost their lives in the Invasion and those who survived and carried on the spirit year after year. The second generation has been taught by their parents to never forget the sacrifices that were made. The veterans who visit Normandy over the years can attest to the hospitality of these caring and loving people.
Un Pognon de dingue