Jeremy G. Woods

Jeremy G. Woods

Nacimiento : 1988-01-23, Huntsville, Alabama


Jeremy G. Woods was born on January 23, 1988, in Huntsville, AL, where he also was raised, but he lives in Dallas, TX. He graduated from Grissom High School in Huntsville, AL, in 2006 and received his BBA in Marketing with a French minor in the fall of 2009 from the University of North Alabama in Florence, AL. He is publishing his fifth book on May 5, 2015. He has also written and recorded a French song. "The Place to Start" was a short film he directed and filmed in high school and was filmed at his high school, Grissom High. He is moving overseas in the summer of 2015.


Jeremy G. Woods


Carter High
La historia real de cuatro estudiantes atletas de la Escuela Preparatoria Carter en Dallas, Texas en la década de 1980, cuyos brillantes futuros cambiaron irrevocablemente debido a sus actividades fuera del campo.