Luke Jones

Luke Jones


Luke Jones


Roswell Delirium
During the 1980s the US is hit by a wave of nuclear attacks, and after the fallout those who remain pretend like everything is normal even though they are all experiencing radiation poisoning. A young girl named Mayday tries to make contact on a series of ham radios with her father who is in space on a shuttle mission.
Dog - Un viaje salvaje
Hipster Bartender
Un guardabosques del ejército y su perro se embarcan en un viaje por carretera a lo largo de la Pacific Coast Highway para asistir al funeral de un amigo.
Acts of Revenge
Michael Dorothy
Las cosas se tornan violentas después de que un ex detective de policía (Richard Tyson) y un psiquiatra (Kurt Sinclair) manipulan a un padre afligido (Matt Cinquanta) en busca de justicia.
Type-A personality, Ava, owns “Rent-an-Elf,” a business in which she sets up a memorable Christmas for busy families. This year, she's hired by the newly-single Liam and falls for him and his adorable son, Nathan. But, just as Ava thinks she’s found her match, Liam’s ex-wife returns, wanting to patch things up. Even though Ava decides to put Liam and Nathan's happiness above her own, she's still determined to give them the best Christmas ever, and maybe even hope for a Christmas miracle or two.
Brody 'Bear' Hobbs
Kelly is an easily scared blackjack dealer who gets a huge surprise from his roommate Trevor. Trevor is a drug dealer and can’t finish his rounds for the day. His boss a mysterious figure known only as X offers Kelly a plan – Deal or Die. This takes him to four separate drug deals over the course of a day and night in Las Vegas. Will Kelly survive?
Poor Boy
School Zone
Dos hermanos salen adelante como pueden en el desierto. Cuando una misteriosa mujer amenaza con recobrar su casa flotante, los hermanos trazan un plan para dejar atrás su pueblo y navegar hasta California.
The Red Man
A successful DJ living in a trendy apartment building learns his psychiatrist and new neighbor may be involved in a secret society plot drugging and killing fellow celebrity tenants.
Salt Water
Based on a true story, a troubled twenty-year-old with PTSD struggles to normalize her life and escape her past. But as the symptoms of her disorder spiral out of control, she seeks retribution.
Liars, Fires and Bears
Pawnshop Guy
The poignant story of nine-year old Eve, a street savvy orphan, who crosses paths with Dave, a man-child, accidentally on the run from the law. Dave embarks on a mission to help Eve reunite with her older brother, and consequently clear his name along the way.
Rose Of Death
On prom night ten years ago, a group of drunken friends go too far when trying to scare a couple of their fellow classmates. After accidentally killing one of them, they decide they have to kill the other one in order to cover up the crime and protect themselves and their futures. Now, ten years later, as they start coming together for their high school reunion, each member of the group is being picked off one by one by a ghostly killer as some sort of revenge from beyond the grave.