

Widow's Walk
Costume Design
Eve's husband has been killed in Afghanistan. She takes her young son to a Suffolk beach house on the edge of the North Sea to grieve. But someone else is in the house grieving her loss from another war.
Production Design
En un futuro próximo, Frank Grieves es un nuevo tipo de agente de policía que trabaja en una ciudad donde todas las drogas recreativas son legales. Cuando se retira un caso relacionado con un cadáver no identificado, descubre que la legalización ha tenido un precio.
Thirty Second Spots: TV Commercials for Artists (1982-83)
Inverting the form, style and time frame of commercial television advertising, Logue has produced a unique series of dynamic video portraits of avant-garde artists, writers, musicians and performers. In 30 Second Spots: New York, which Logue terms "commercials for artists," each of the succinct vignettes conveys the artistic essence of her subject with clarity, wit, and an elegant economy of means. John Cage, Steve Reich, Philip Glass, Meredith Monk, Spalding Gray and Steve Reich are among the artists who are captured here with concise drama. Each subject performs in close-up before a stationary camera.