Johann Insanally


La vida secreta de Cleopatra
Line Producer
Cleopatra: la última reina egipcia y una de las mujeres más legendarias de la historia. Una hermosa seductora que utilizó su sex appeal para manipular a los hombres más poderosos del Imperio Romano. Esta película revela la verdad detrás de la leyenda.
A man struggles to clear a room full of litter
Executive Producer
Strip, a young painter and decorator feels lost by the lack of challenge in his work. As he scrapes away yet another layer of wallpaper he is lead to a startling discovery. It becomes his secret and his life takes a bizarre turn.
Yellow Fever
Monty, a gay Chinese guy living in London, makes it a habit to date only white boys. When his handsome East Asian neighbor invites him over for dinner, Monty has to decide if he's an Anglophile or simply prejudiced.
Is It the Design on the Wrapper?
Executive Producer
In 1977, young Xiao Mei leaves China for the UK to enter into an arranged marriage. Speaking no English and feeling distant from her Elvis-obsessed new husband and his stern mother, Xiao Mei dreams of reuniting with her long-lost parents and brother.
Home Away from Home
To ease her homesickness Miriam recreates an aspect of home in her suburban British garden. Cultural memory exerts a healing power, combatting cultural appropriation, hostility towards migrants and the rift between Miriam and her Nigerian-British children.