Tony Grounds


Our Girl
On the evening of her 18th birthday, Molly Dawes finds herself drunk and is sick in the doorway of an army recruitment office. She looks into the window of the office and sees a life-sized photograph of an army girl, everything that Molly isn't but wants to be - respected. The following morning, Molly finds herself back in the recruitment office and is eventually persuaded to complete an aptitude test. No-one thinks she can stick it out, including herself. But slowly and surely, Molly is maturing and learning to believe in herself. She digs in and finds a strength that she never thought she had.
The Dinner Party
Young couple Jackie and Leo move from North London to a suburban home in the green belt paradise of Southern England. At the birthday party of a neighbor, they soon discover the strict social hierarchies of village life.
The Dinner Party
Young couple Jackie and Leo move from North London to a suburban home in the green belt paradise of Southern England. At the birthday party of a neighbor, they soon discover the strict social hierarchies of village life.
A Class Apart
An outspoken single mum is determined her son will go to the school of her choice, and he ends up at a private school. Only then does she discover the headmaster offered a place merely to win a bet.
All In The Game
Corruption, money, power - the not so beautiful game.
When I'm Sixty-Four
Drama único sobre la amistad que crece entre dos hombres de orígenes muy diferentes, cuyos caminos se cruzan por primera vez cuando se acercan a la edad de jubilación.
The Martins
Robert Martin es un británico de clase baja que está en paro y que vive con su familia disfuncional en los alrededores de Londres. Robert sueña con una vacaciones a todo lujo con los suyos, y cuando no gana un viaje en un concurso... decide atracar a los verderos ganadores, atarlos en el sótano y robarles los billetes ganadores.
The Martins
Robert Martin es un británico de clase baja que está en paro y que vive con su familia disfuncional en los alrededores de Londres. Robert sueña con una vacaciones a todo lujo con los suyos, y cuando no gana un viaje en un concurso... decide atracar a los verderos ganadores, atarlos en el sótano y robarles los billetes ganadores.
Last Christmas
A young boy's dream of finding his dead father comes true when his father visits him as an angel. But things turn sour when he discovers that his father was not the hero he imagined him to be.
Births Marriages and Deaths
Site Foreman
"All dressed up in dark suits and shades, looking remarkably like the characters in Tarantino's 'Reservoir Dogs', Alan, Graham and Terry set out on a marathon stag day. Friends since primary school, the trio are celebrating the impending marriage of Terry to his pregnant girlfriend Pat.All is going well, with a stretch limo at their disposal, copious amounts of champagne and old times lovingly mulled over. But, as the night progresses, the three friends make a decision that is to rebound across the rest of their lives. Stylishly shot and distinctly strange in tone, this serial, written by Tony 'Our Boy' Grounds, showcases the considerable talents of Ray Winstone and Mark Strong. Grounds is billing it as a 'serious comedy'. Viewers who are tired of formulaic drama should welcome the challenge that this presents.
Births Marriages and Deaths
"All dressed up in dark suits and shades, looking remarkably like the characters in Tarantino's 'Reservoir Dogs', Alan, Graham and Terry set out on a marathon stag day. Friends since primary school, the trio are celebrating the impending marriage of Terry to his pregnant girlfriend Pat.All is going well, with a stretch limo at their disposal, copious amounts of champagne and old times lovingly mulled over. But, as the night progresses, the three friends make a decision that is to rebound across the rest of their lives. Stylishly shot and distinctly strange in tone, this serial, written by Tony 'Our Boy' Grounds, showcases the considerable talents of Ray Winstone and Mark Strong. Grounds is billing it as a 'serious comedy'. Viewers who are tired of formulaic drama should welcome the challenge that this presents.
Sex & Chocolate
Bev Bodger is a married teacher tempted by an old school boyfriend to enjoy a little sex and chocolate in Paris.