Stacie Goodman


Una rubia muy legal 2
Casting Associate
Elle (Reese Witherspoon) está de vuelta como la enérgica, optimista y megapija joven abogada de la facultad de Harvard. En esta ocasión, Elle irá a Washington a defender los derechos de los animales.
A todo gas
Casting Associate
Una misteriosa banda de delincuentes se dedica a robar camiones en plena marcha desde vehículos deportivos. La policía decide infiltrar a un hombre en el mundo de las carreras ilegales para descubrir posibles sospechosos. El joven y apuesto Brian entra en el mundo del tuning donde conoce a Dominic, rey indiscutible de este mundo y sospechoso número uno, pero todo se complica cuando se enamora de la hermana de éste.
Reglas de compromiso
Casting Assistant
El coronel Terry Childer (Jackson), un condecorado oficial veterano de Vietnam y Líbano, es acusado de asesinato por el ejército. Como abogado defensor elige al Coronel Hays Hodges (Tommy Lee Jones), un camarada que le debe la vida.
Catalina Trust
Marshall has done well despite the hard hand fate dealt him as a boy. He's getting a raise at his marketing job and will soon marry Kitty Lehuesen, the most sought-after girl in his Brooklyn neighborhood. Though he's never forgotten the betrayal of his grandfather, things are now good—that is, until a bizarre image of the old man appears in the middle of the night.
Money Kings
Casting Assistant
Vinnie's a bookie, happily married, running his operation for 30 years out of his bar in Brooklyn. Times change, the boys up the chain want a bigger profit, so Vinnie's expendable He's assigned a hotheaded kid, Tony, the nephew of a local mobster. Vinnie's told to school the lad, use him for collections, and teach him some sense. What Vinnie doesn't know is that once Tony learns the ropes, Vinnie will be out. Tensions mount when Tony goes around Vinnie's paternalistic ways, takes a bet from an unemployed alcoholic, and demands that the loser's wife pay the vig in trade. Is there any way out for Vinnie - with or without his good name?