Herbert C. Walton


Forbidden Cargo
Old Man in Dungarees
Kenyon is a narcotics agent who, with the aid of a titled bird-watcher attempts to trap a brother and sister drug smuggling team.
El déspota
Adaptación de una obra teatral de Harold Brighouse, ambientada en 1890. Trata sobre las relaciones entre un próspero comerciante viudo y sus hijas, a las que mantiene encerradas en casa, mientras se dedica a lamentarse y a despotricar contra lo injusta que es la vida por haberle arrebatado a su esposa.
The Weak and the Wicked
'Blue Eyes', the gardener
Jean Raymond an upper class woman with a gambling addiction, is given a twelve-month prison sentence resulting from her inability to pay her debts. At first she is overwhelmingly depressed by life in the women's prison; gradually, however, her misery is relieved by the many close friends she makes there. This sympathetic drama traces the contrasting lives and often faltering progress of the inmates of a women's prison.
The End of the Road
First Old Man
Having been given enforced retirement due to his age, Mick-Mack creates strain upon his extended family.
Meet Mr. Lucifer
Cockney Customer in Pub
A TV set given as a retirement present is sold on to different households causing misery each time.
The Beggar's Opera
3rd Turnkey
Adaptation of John Gay's 18th century opera, featuring Laurence Olivier as MacHeath and Hugh Griffith as the Beggar.
Mujeres en la calle
Man in Pub (uncredited)
El primer día de libertad de tres mujeres que acaban de salir de la cárcel.
Los apuros de un pequeño tren
Un pequeño pueblo inglés está a punto de perder su estación de tren, por lo que decidirán unir esfuerzos y hacerla funcionar ellos mismos, compitiendo con la compañía local de autobuses.
Mar cruel
The Waiter
Aventuras de un buque escolta de convoy británico durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Al comienzo de la guerra al Capitán de Corbeta Ericson se le asigna el buque HMS Compass Rose con oficiales sin experiencia y hombres que acaban de salir de la formación militar. Tendrán que enfrentarse al mar invernal y a los temibles submarinos alemanes
Terror en el tren
La trama cuenta cómo un ex militar experto en explosivos es solicitado por la policía para desactivar una bomba colocada por un terrorista en un tren de municiones.
I Believe In You
Ofrece una mirada sobre el funcionamiento del servicio de libertad condicional a través de los ojos de Phipps, un hombre de mediana edad en busca de mérito y una nueva ocupación.
Mr. Denning Drives North
When well-off aircraft designer Denning finds his daughter's current boyfriend is a nasty character he tries to buy him off, ending up hitting him and causing his death when he falls. Instead of calling the police he dumps the body in a lonely spot on the road to the North, making it look like a hit-and-run accident. Weeks later there is still no report of the body being found, and Denning starts to go to pieces. When he lets his wife into his secret the two start making enquiries, possibly making things worse.
Cita con Venus
El 10 de Julio de 1940 los nazis invaden Amorel, una estrátegica isla británica. La ocupación causa gran consternación al ministro de agricultura, ya que en la pequeña isla se encuentra ”Venus”, una vaca de extraordinario pedigree y de gran valor energético. El ministro presiona a la oficina de guerra para que intervenga en la recuperación del preciado animal.
Your Witness
Dart Player #5
Adam Hayward is a successful New York City defense lawyer. One day he receives a cable that the British war buddy who saved his life at Anzio Beach is now in trouble with the law in England. Taking the advice of his secretary to go to England rather than wire money, Adam arrives in his friend's village to find him about to stand trial for the murder of the hired stable-hand, Lawrence.
Marry Me
News Vendor (uncredited)
The stories of several individuals who consult a marriage bureau, including a peer of the realm, his butler, a lonely school teacher, a French girl on the run from a violent boyfriend, a country vicar, and a newspaper reporter, sent by his editor, to do an undercover story.
The Forbidden Street
The Old 'Un
Ambientada en la época victoriana, la película cuenta la historia de Adelaide, una joven de buena familia que renuncia a todo para casarse con un artista venido a menos. Cuando su marido muere en un accidente, Adelaide es chantajeada por una despreciable arpía que la acusa de haber matado a su marido.
Take My Life
When her husband is wrongly accused of murder, an opera singer sets out to find the real culprit.