Coizta Grecko


Watching Them Die: Addendum
Five years after Watching Them Die: The Mexican Army and the 43 Disappeared.
No se mata la verdad
Tras sufrir un secuestro en Siria y la ejecución de un compañero, el corresponsal de guerra Témoris Grecko regresa a un México sumido en la violencia y hace la crónica de los tres años más sangrientos para los periodistas en el país, de 2015 a 2017.
Mirar morir: El ejército en la noche de Iguala
On the night from September 26th to 27th, 2014, a group of students, from Ayotzinapa School, was chased, shot and dispersed to different locations of the city of Iguala, Guerrero. Six people died, one in coma and 43 are missing. The perpetrators were members of the local police that acted under direct watch of state and federal forces, as well as the Mexican Army.