Susan J. Douglas


Walt Disney
Walt Disney era un experto en el arte y el comercio, un director de cine que aprovechó el poder de la tecnología y la narración. Esta nueva película examina la compleja vida y el legado perdurable de Disney. Presenta imágenes de archivo poco comunes de las bóvedas de Disney, escenas de algunas de sus mejores películas, entrevistas con biógrafos y animadores, y los diseñadores que ayudaron a convertir su sueño de Disneyland en realidad.
Behind the Screens, Hollywood Goes Hypercommercial
Hollywood movies are rapidly becoming vehicles for the ulterior marketing and advertising motives of studios and their owners, rather than entertainment in their own right. Behind the Screens explores this trend toward "hypercommercialism" through phenomena such as product placement, tie-ins, merchandising and cross-promotions. It combines multiple examples taken directly from the movies with incisive interviews provided by film scholars, cultural critics, political economists, and an Oscar-nominated screenwriter. Behind the Screens presents an accessible argument designed for school and college-age audiences-- precisely the demographic most prized by both Hollywood studios and advertisers alike. It features examples drawn from movies such as Wayne's World, Forrest Gump, The Lion King, Summer of Sam, and Toy Story.