Tali Custer


Heaven is Now
'Heaven is Now' is a colorful, psychological thriller that journeys into the enigmatic realm of Mira's unconscious as she becomes entangled in a devastating love affair with Penny, the pink-haired, perverse girl-next-door. Her haunting encounters with a woman named Claudia drive Mira into a world of drugs, crime and otherworldly circumstances. Mira's sense of reality blurs further into her dreamworld, as she gets trapped in her inner extremes of both heaven and hell.
Emma está siendo observada por un acosador que ha hackeado toda su tecnología personal: portátil, teléfono, y otros aparatos conectados a internet, con la intención de grabarla en sus momentos más intimos. Pero llegado cierto punto, estas grabaciones no son suficientes para él y decide cambiar el espacio virtual por el físico…
Green Eyes
Nicolas, a photographer in his 20's, very suddenly loses his girlfriend to a car accident she was driving in. Still overcoming the loss, he takes up a sudden and unexpected affair with a girl he barely knows who is addicted to ecstasy. Their relationship slowly comes apart at the seams through sex, drugs, and harping on past mistakes.