Golan Ramraz


Man Eaters
When it comes to the Man Eaters Bar, looks can kill. And Frank is about to find that out for himself.
Man Eaters
When it comes to the Man Eaters Bar, looks can kill. And Frank is about to find that out for himself.
The Retreat
Emily and Timothy arrive to a remote cabin to patch up their relationship after an affair, only to discover that forgiveness is not the only problem that stands in the way of their reunion
After Mia introduces herself to a strange girl named Angela at a party she soon starts seeing her everywhere. Worried what her intentions are Mia confronts her but is unprepared for the shocking truth.
After losing their daughter a family whose home is haunted by evil forces must come together to rescue her after an apparitions takes her captive.
After losing their daughter a family whose home is haunted by evil forces must come together to rescue her after an apparitions takes her captive.
After losing their daughter a family whose home is haunted by evil forces must come together to rescue her after an apparitions takes her captive.
Ascent to Hell
When a realtor shows an old New York factory building to a group of would-be investors, they are unwittingly caught in its tragic and sinister history.
End Game
Greed deception, power and murder occur between two best friends and a trophy husband over a friendly game.
End Game
Greed deception, power and murder occur between two best friends and a trophy husband over a friendly game.
12 Filmmakers. 12 Films. One Movie
12 Filmmakers. 12 Films. One Movie
Tierra de abundancia
Shlomo (uncredited)
Dos perspectivas diferentes de los Estados Unidos: la de un veterano de Vietnam y la de una joven. El soldado, herido en la guerra a los 18 años, está obsesionado con proteger la "tierra de la libertad", y los atentados del 11 de Septiembre de 2001 remueven en él los fantasmas del pasado; es un hombre sin amigos y sin vínculos familiares. Por su parte, Lana es una joven idealista que ha vivido en África y Europa los últimos diez años.
Las alucinantes aventuras de Bill y Ted
Kid at Waterslides (uncredited)
Bill y Ted, de diecisiete años, amigos inseparables y miembros de una banda de rock, sienten más interés por la música que por sus estudios. El día de su graduación está cerca y deben aprobar como sea el examen de Historia. Las cosas están difíciles para los chicos, sin embargo, la aparición de un personaje inesperado va a serles de crucial ayuda. Se trata de Rufus, un emisario del futuro, que les ofrece un alucinante viaje en el tiempo para conocer a algunos de los más importantes personajes de la historia.
Film Club
A parody of Fight Club in which the first rule is you don't talk about film club.
Film Club
Assistant Director
A parody of Fight Club in which the first rule is you don't talk about film club.
Film Club
A parody of Fight Club in which the first rule is you don't talk about film club.
Film Club
A parody of Fight Club in which the first rule is you don't talk about film club.