Skye Cooper Barr


La leyenda de Barney Thomson
Barney Thompson es un torpe y tímido barbero que trabaja en una peluquería de Glasgow. Lleva una vida mediocre de soltero empedernido, se siente ninguneado en el trabajo y en casa, donde debe lidiar con una madre dominante. Su rutina sufre un cambio inesperado el día que su jefe le comunica que lo va a despedir por su incompetencia y por su mal talante con los clientes. Es entonces cuando un homicidio involuntario lo convierte en el principal sospechoso de una serie de macabros crímenes, obra de un psicópata. Debido al acoso al que lo somete la policía, se ve obligado a mentir e improvisar para intentar librarse de semejante acusación.
Wayland's Song
Young Woman 1
Wayland returns home after being badly injured in the war in Afghanistan, the legacy of his injuries are epileptic seizures. To compound his sense of isolation his daughter has vanished without a trace. He is determined to find her. His investigation uncovers a dark, sinister world where nothing is quite what it seems. His quest becomes not only about finding her but also about discovering who and what he has become. Wayland is looking for something he left behind in the killing fields of Helmand Provence, his humanity and his soul. Waylands Song is an adaptation of the classic Northern European parable. Wayland is crippled by his masters so he can never take flight and escape for which he takes a bloody and violent revenge.