Maksa Ćatović

Nacimiento : 1950-10-09,


Maksa Ćatović is a Serbian film producer who used to be the president of Komuna. From 1985 he is owner and CEO of Komuna, working for films including Underground Golden Palm winner (1995) and Black Cat, White Cat Silver Lion winner in Venice (2008). Ćatović has recently working as concert in promoter too. Luciano Pavarotti, Madonna, AC/DC, Sting, Metallica among many others were playing in Serbia and Montenegro.


Balkan Brothers
This is the story of the multinational and ethnically conflicted assembly of apatrides from war torn ex-Yugoslavia, hired by a crippled war merchant to sew labels upon fake jeans and participate in drug smuggling ring. Forced and humiliated into doing such work they are locked up in a Paris cellar where they find out that their Western fate brings even worse temptations then the war in Yugoslavia that made them leave the motherland.
The Red Colored Grey Truck
Belgrade, the summer of 1991. Yugoslavia is falling apart. Gavran can't get a driving licence because he is color blind. He is a rural Bosnian introvert obsessed with trucks. So, as soon as he is released from prison, he steals a truck to go on a joyride. Suzana, a city girl, discovers she is pregnant, but until she's due for an abortion, she decides to go to Dubrovnik. She hitchikes and Gavran almost runs her over. She is unhurt, but she blackmails him to take her to Dubrovnik. Two people from different worlds, equally removed from the real one. For him she is the first woman he can talk to; for her he is just another idiot to add to the long list of them that she has so far compiled. But the pressure of danger and the intimations of war force them together. The world about them has become so absurd that they seem to each other the only sober people left.
The Margins
On the point of leaving the country, Dragor, a petty thief, by chance meets Gastos, a notorious criminal and former Secret Service…
The State of the Dead
When the war in Yugoslavia breaks out, an army officer who's ethnic Slovenian yet still believes in Yugoslavia, decides to move to Belgrade. The country continues to fall apart and so does his family failing to find acceptance there.
The Secret of Family Treasure
Tihomir Stojkovic suspects that there's a hidden treasure in the property of his neighbors. Since this piece of land belongs to a man who has unmarried daughter, Tihomir persuades his friend Djosa to marry her so they could get in possession of that jar full of money. The characters are based on TV series "Family Treasure".
Gato negro, gato blanco
Executive Producer
Matko es un estafador de poca monta que viven a orillas del Danubio con Zare, su hijo de 17 años. Después de un chanchullo fallido, le debe dinero a Dadan, un gánster con más éxito. Dadan tiene una hermana poco agraciada, Afrodita, a la que quiere ver casada cuanto antes, por lo que llegan a un acuerdo para saldar la deuda: que Zare se case con ella.
Associate Producer
En Belgrado, Yugoslavia, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un poeta, Marko Dren (Miki Manojlovic), esconde a su amigo Petar Popara (Lazar Ristovski) y a su familia en un sótano para esconderse de los nazis. Allí ocultos deben fabricar armas para la guerra. Marko los engaña para que sigan fabricando armas 20 años después de la guerra y haciéndoles creer que aún no termina y que sólo han pasado 15 años. La película está llena de simbolismos y metáforas. Por ejemplo, tras el bombardeo a Belgrado, Blaky se limpia el zapato con un gato; al final, Petar, en la búsqueda de su hijo y tras descubrir que Marko y Natalija (Mirjana Jokovic) murieron, se apoya en una cruz que tiene a Cristo invertido. Además, en medio del fuego y la destrucción, hay un caballo blanco y un ganso volando.
I Sing All Day, I Sing All Night
Executive Producer
Zdravko Čolić is the biggest pop star in Yugoslavia. We follow him during his "Traveling Earthquake Tour", lerning who is the man behind the microphone, dancers, glittery suits... and in front of the audience.