Based on true events, the story revolves around the murder of four young women in Northern California in the late 1990s and the subsequent criminal investigation. The film follows the story of a tortured ex-soldier, now police detective, as he and his partner attempt to track down a bizarre series of disappearances, and the brutal slaying of the young women. Director Greg Stechman is an original voice in the popular serial killer genre. In "This Hollow Sacrament", his debut film, he drags you kicking and screaming into the depths of hell and doesn't let you up for air.
Party Girl
El semestre está llegando a su fin en la prestigiosa universidad de Dreyskill. Los estudiantes, aburridos ante la preparación de los exámenes finales, deciden inventar un juego llamado "75". Las reglas son simples: Debes llamar a una persona por teléfono y asustarla lo máximo posible durante setenta y cinco segundos... Si cuelga o se oyen risas, tu pierdes... Sin embargo, un día llamarán a la persona equivocada...