Set Decoration
Based on true events, the story revolves around the murder of four young women in Northern California in the late 1990s and the subsequent criminal investigation. The film follows the story of a tortured ex-soldier, now police detective, as he and his partner attempt to track down a bizarre series of disappearances, and the brutal slaying of the young women. Director Greg Stechman is an original voice in the popular serial killer genre. In "This Hollow Sacrament", his debut film, he drags you kicking and screaming into the depths of hell and doesn't let you up for air.
Make-up Artist
La presencia omnipotente de un portaaviones desmantelado, olvidado desde hace mucho tiempo, ya que es el apogeo de la recuperación de las misiones lunares Apolo, comienza a darse a conocer a tres generaciones de residentes en la adormecida ciudad isleña de Alameda, a la deriva en la bahía de San Francisco.
Elizabeth Bathory
At the mention of the word "vampire," images of bloody fangs, dark capes, and a man with a hideous, spooky laugh immediately come to mind. These conventional images, born from countless vampire films over the years, are most commonly associated with Irish writer Bram Stoker and his iconic 1897 novel Dracula. However, despite the popularity and influence of this celebrated nineteenth-century tome, the vampire myth dates back more than 1,000 years, long before Stoker ever put pen to paper. In this fascinating journey through time, HISTORY uncovers the ancient folkloric origins of blood-craving creatures from beyond the grave. Learn how the vampire myth is strongly rooted in Eastern European lore, but how it has also played a prominent role in the ancient cultures of Greece and China. From wooden stakes to garlic apotropes to ancient burial rituals, VAMPIRE SECRETS explores how this long-standing myth has been interpreted by different cultures around the world.
Reporter (uncredited)
An Oregon woman vanishes. In her wake remains a single black rose & a note reading gone but not forgotten. Now a man stands accused: a private eye has gone missing: a detective knows more than she lets on: & a tough female attorney has entered a web of duplicity revenge & multiple murder.